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"I've never been to Central Park before, its so cool..... Is that a faerie?" I say.

"Um, I think so... You want to talk to her?" Kris says.

"I guess." I say and we walk over.

She has wings that are almost bug like. When we walk over she is looking at a wooden bow and arrow set.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to socialize with The Fair Folk Shadowhunters?" She says not looking up.


I look over at Rose and see she is glaring at her.

"My parents died before they could teach me anything." I say matter of factly.

"My parents barely taught me a thing about being a Shadowhunter before they abandoned me." Rose says.

"Well, you have sad little lives don't you? By the way I'm Lucia." She says holding out her hand.

We sit there and stare at her till she drops her hand.

"Well.... Could I know your names?" She says.

We stare at her. Till I speak up.

"I am Kris and I will not tell you my last name." I say to her.

"That is fine Kris Herondale, that means you are Rose GoldWright, and that means you two are looking for a faerie to help on your quest." She says picking at her nails.

"How do you know that?" Rose says.

"Word gets around." She says shrugging. "Also I would love to help."

"Why would we want your help?" I say madly.

"Well, I am a faerie and I'm 15. What more do you need?" She says.

"As much as I would hate to say yes, we do need a faerie. What do you think Rose?" I say.

"Do we really have a choice?" She says throwing her arms into the air.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes, let's go to Takis! My treat!" Lucia says.


We walk to Takis and I am very weary of Lucia. I don't know why.

When we get there Kris and I get burgers and Lucia orders some weird Faerie food.

After they eat

"Let's head back to the institute and introduce you to everyone." Kris says.

Hahaha yeahhhhhh that took a while, sorry I've been busy with school and soccer!! Sorry its so short too!

xx Megan

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