14 The Escape

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(Sorry, I just couldn't keep up with the naming gimmick, and look at the full picture ^i love it)

The guards surround the barracks. "Eren Yeager and Annie Leonhardt! Surrender yourself immediately, or we will be forced to resort to severe measures!" The Guard Captain calls.

There's no response.

"Alright men, storm the building!"
As the soldiers are rushing in, the side of the barracks explodes. Annie stands in the rubble in Titan form. "Here, Mikasa!" Eren throws her the letter he wrote. "Read this when it's safe!"

Annie picks up Eren, puts him on her shoulders, and he uses the 3DMG to stand directly on the nape of her neck. "I won't let them hurt you, Annie!" She nods and begins to run through the city, towards the wall. Members of the Survey Corps start flying in from every direction, and Eren blocks all of their sword strikes. Annie reaches Wall Rose, and starts climbing.

Eren sees both Jean and Connie attach their 3DMG to the wall. "I can't stop both of them at once! Sorry about this, Jean, hope you make it!" Eren cuts the wire from Jean's gear, and he starts falling. Connie immediately changes course to catch him, and they both land safely. "Phew. We're almost to the top now."

Annie vaults over the top of Wall Rose, and lands with ground shaking force. She begins running again as soon as she gets back up, however.
"We made it Annie! They probably won't follow us this far." Eren rejoices.

Just as he says this, Eren hears a scream.

"YEAGERRRRR!" Levi yells as he comes flying in to attack. "Oh, no" Eren worries. "No, I can do this! I HAVE to do this!" Every time Levi swings by, Eren deflects his blade. But on the fifth time around, Eren's sword breaks. "Annie, I'm gonna need you to defend your neck when I say 'now', ok?" She nods.

Levi comes in for another strike. "I've got you now, Titan!" "NOW!" Eren yells as he jumps up. Annie moves her crystallized hand to her neck, and Levi's sword bounces off of it. Eren then lands, and jams his broken sword into Levi's 3DMG, making him lose control and forcing him to land.

At this moment, Eren turns around and notices Hange on Annie's shoulders. "Why is she unarmed?" Eren wonders. "How long have you been there?" Eren asks. "I got here the same time as Levi." Hange smiles.

"Ok, what do you want?"

"Well, I know fighting you would be a dumb idea, especially when I would be killing the two most interesting specimens I've ever seen in my life!" Hange's eyes light up as she says this.

"Typical Hange..." Eren smiles to himself.

"So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I noticed you guys didn't come here to kill anyone, so I'm assuming your hold no ill will towards us."

"That is not a false assumption..." Eren says, unsure of where she is going with this.

"So, what I'm going to ask my sound strange but..."


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