16 Experimentation

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"Alright you two!" Hange can barely contain her excitement. "Let's see if there is any difference between your titan forms!" Eren gives Annie that look you give when you know something isn't gonna be fun.

"Alright, first things first! None of you need to breathe right?" They shake their heads. "Perfect!" Now we find out if this is unique to you or all titans. "To the lake you guys told me about!" Hange struts off. Eren picks her up and places her so she is going in the right direction. "Thanks, dearie." She flirts.

They make their way to the lake. They sit around awhile waiting for a titan to appear. Hange gets impatient, "Eren, go get a runt for me." She commands. He begrudgingly stomps away.

A few minutes later, he comes back holding a 5m over his head.

"Alright! Into the drink he goes!" Hange says, eager to see the results. Eren places it in the water, and stands on its back, so it is fully submerged.
Five minutes pass, and it's still thrashing.

"Alright, he obviously doesn't need to breathe, so pull him out. Let's run some tests on regeneration." Hange grins maliciously. "Alright, Eren, have a little fun, but don't go too crazy, ok?"

Eren starts by ripping off its leg. The steam comes immediately and the leg is back in minutes. "Alright, a little more this time." Hange asks.

"That's gonna cost you an arm and a leg, buddy." Eren shudders at his horrible pun as he tears away its two right appendages.

It takes a little longer for it to regenerate this time. "Fascinating, it seems to have trouble keeping up when it has more to regenerate. The real mystery however, is where is this matter coming from, if the titans do not digest what they eat? So many questions!" She turns to Eren, "Alright we're done with him now." He quickly dispatches the titan.

"Alright, now the not so fun part. I need to compare it to one of you. Any volunteers?" Eren raises his hand. "What am I getting myself into?" He asks himself. "Excellent!" Hange smiles. "Annie, will you do the honors?" Annie gives Eren a look as if to say, "Sorry about this" and places her hands on Eren's leg.

"Oh fu-" "AAAARRGGHH" Eren yells as Annie pulls his leg off. "Hmm, I guess you do feel pain after all. Oops." Eren's leg grows back after only one minute.

"Well, it appears you have heightened regenerative abilities! Fascinating!" Hange practically drools. "Think of the possibilities." Upon hearing this, Eren grabs Annie's hand and starts running back to the cabin.

"Hey wait!" Hange calls. "We still have to test Annie's crystal abilities!"

All We Need Is Each OtherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon