aunt lula

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Once we came into the clearing, i could feel somthing off, and i know derek felt it tooall the while daniel kept on walking like nothing i kept my hands close to my chest just in case we are jumped from any night stalkers or dream demons, but i dont think any dream demons will come durng the day time so thats one less thing to worry about, "hey amy why so queit i thought you were going to tell me about this place and my so called destiny" " because davie we are going to see my aunt lula, to explain everything from the past to the presant and if your lucky maybe your future, shes not a psychic or anything but my aunt gets these visions with certain people" i guess its safe to say that we are no longer in harms way since derek seemed to relax, so he kept going on our journey.

We soon came to a big side of a mountain and i headed to the left lower whole of the mountain then from there is when daniel started rambling "oh no way am i going into another creepy whole you weirdo" i dont care if your scared anymore your going to help me same my world my city and my family whether you like it or not, i grabbed his arm and pushed him in front of me so he was the first one in the tunnle, i kept pushed no matter how many times he tried to stop or turn back, i soon saw light and gave him a push with all my strength and i swear he went 10 feet away from where i was standing in the tunnle " bad" he got up and was shocked when he saw other poeple, i rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm again, i didnt mean to be forceful but i needed his help, if i new i could do it on my own then i would have gone never went to earth to get him, but since he was a big part of this then i had no other choice.

We soon got to a small hut, my aunt lula was the only one other than the elders who had tiny wood huts everyone else had small houses of corse enough to fit there own family but they were still small, "ah well if it isant my favorite grandchild" lettign you know i am her only grandchild but i guess that makes me special in away. "Hello aunt lula, im here to present daniel shay my partner for the upcoming battle" oh the look on davies face was priceless "WAIT...WHAT I DIDNT SIGN UP FOR THIS" "no child you didnt by choice anyway but by destiny" great now aunt lula was starting to sound like the town elders, come on aunt lula your like in your early 30s not late 70s, derek smacked me across the head, shit i forgot he could read my mind, stupid demon, then i got another smack, i was so close to tackling him but luckily aunt lula spoke up just in time to save his demon ass. "Now i know you must be confused about why u are here and why my granddughtr has brought your here" daniel gave a respectful nod and and shy smile she replied with a small smile. "Dont worry my child i will explain everything in a moment but first please sit down" we did as we were told and i had grabbed the small cub she had given me and smelled the contents of it, my favorite mint tea this would always help me with stomach aches or when im sick and sometimes it would remind me of my mother, she would always make me some when i was sad, scared, or even just to make me happy.

"Now drink up children i bet it was long journey from earth to the dream realm" the tea made me relax, aunt lula i might not tell you this out loud but i love you to know me so well, i swear i could feel dereks smile "please miss lula-" "oh no child please call me aunt lula" that got my mad i hate when she did that letting everyone call her aunt when she was and is my aunt i always get jealous like this maybe its because she hasnt left me or abandoned me yet like everyone else i cared about did, "oh uh ok aunt lula, can you please tell me about why i am here i actually thought amy would tell me but she said that you would so can you please tell me" "oh yes child of corse i will, now geyt comfirtable this is a long story-...." she seemed to wait a few second =s before continueing "now once long ago-"


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