The battle comes to us part 1

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Tempest's chair squeaked and I flinched when it scraped against the floor, I hate that noise, she stood up quickly with anger and fury in her eyes, "Deploy half our troops to the front gates and send the rest to the back gates of Teal Falls, let no Nightmare in this valley, me and the others will join the battle soon..GO!!!!" The soldier nodded quickly and bowed, then sped off "T-Tempest what are we going to do" I knew very well that Axelle, the one that bears the balance emotion of hope and despair, didn't like violence but if necessary she will fight, but I know that if it was for her and Tempest's people she will fight."we will head to the armory, gather weapons, half of us joining the troops at the front gates and the others at the back gates, no Nightmare is going to step into our kingdom, while I live" the one with the balance emotion of generosity and greed (Tempest) then turned and started walking to the hallway with Axelle following closely and we quickly got up to catch up with her.
We stood in front of 2 large doors, Tempest pushed them both to present a large room full with weapons from small tiny hidden daggers to large spears, swords and hammers (I forgot the name of that one weapon that looks like a hammer sorry), Tempest grabbed a sword and a mace, while Axelle grabbed a pole arm and a Ryyk blade, "well what are you waiting for...more people to die grab the weapons of your choice and let's get moving" her voice rose with every word she said and I couldn't blame her I mean I was angry to just find out my city was attacked, but when a attack happens when I'm conscious heck I will get all badass on them and kill everything in sight.
I headed towards the left side of the room and grabbed, twin katana blades and a scythe, I put the blades on my back where it held perfectly (think of Leonardo from TMNT) and the scythe held tightly in my left hand, I noticed that, Estella had grabbed a bow/arrow & a battle knife, Luna an electric whip & a battle axe, and Oda graving a butterfly knife and a machete, I couldn't see anyone else because most of them were on the far other side of the room, from my eye vision.
We quickly head to another room down the long corridor, and there, there were many armory to wear and protect us from any battle wounds "from here our servants will help you into your armor......hurry we don't have much time we have less than 15 minutes to get to both gates" now I can clearly see what weapons everyone else had, Lexie had a 2 handle sword & a poisonous dagger, (which of course isn't poisonous yet until dipped into poison) Daniel had twin long blades called 'Gan Jiang' and the other 'Mo Ye', Numae had gotten a long-spear & a lily (if u don't know these weapons look up at the picture thank u) and of course Derek had hidden daggers and knives everywhere and he's a demon so he was prepared for anything.
Once everyone got dressed into their armor we turned to Tempest who had a satisfied look on her face and began to speak "Now we will spit into 2 groups, 1 group will come with me to the front gates of Merigold Meadow while the other group heads towards the back gates of Teal Falls, and although there might not be nightmares at the back entrance, I am still taking extra precaution, anyway Derek, Daniel, Numae, and Lexie, will come with me to the front gates. Amelia, Estella, Luna, Oda and Axelle will go to the back gates, Derek and Amelia will tell each other the progress in battle, and if need of any assistance, until then we stay in our position, Understood?" Everyone nodded their heads, some whispering 'yes' or 'understood' "alright then head to your positions good luck to all, we're all going to need it, especially if these nightmares can shift" then she left with her group trailing behind her, "come on we have to get to the back gates" Axelle said with persistence I nod and we follow her to the back gates, Derek please make sure everyone is safe and no one gets badly hurt, I wait for a moment and sure enough I heard a husky deep voice, "like hell I'll let anything happen to anyone on my watch", I smile, Derek always ready to protect people even without me telling him too, let's just hope everyone can hold back the nightmares without the rest of us, or else the nightmares will conquer this powerful part of the mountain, I guess all I can do now is pray.
Please,everyone, be safe

I'm sorry if u guys hate that I have a lot of 'part 1's' and 'part 2's' and sorry if the pic doesn't make since I was doing it in a rush anyway hope u liked this chap. Till next time

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