New start

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As Kayla rush into the school she bumped into this boy name King he was lightskin pretty sandy brown hair with green eyes tall slinky and cute
*Falls To The Grown*
(King): sorry i wasn't paying attention let me help you up
(Kayla): no it was my fault i wasn't paying attention i was rushing to class
*King Helps Kayla Up*

(King): you must be new
(Kayla): yeah unfortunately i am
(King): awh ok you'll get the hang of being here BTW im king
(Kayla): I hope so and hi im Kayla nice to me you king
(King): that a pretty name for a beautiful girl like you
(Kayla): awwwwn thanks
(King):no problem where you from
(Kalya): Chicago,Illinois. You
(King): here
(Kayla): awh ok Welp i better be getting to class im already late as it is
(King):what class you headed to
(Kayla): African American History
(King): awh well im headed that way you mind if i walk you to class
(Kalya): yeah sure
(King): ok its this way

As they walkes up the stair they were getting to know each other

(Kayla): well he's my class i better be going see ya around ig
(King): yeah ok see ya around the school

As Kalya enter the class room. Mrs.Howard said ms. Robinson your 20 mins late do you have in explanation to be late

(Kayla): umm yeah i do i bumped into this really cute boy name king and i kinda sorta lost track of time oh yeah i woke up kinda late

(Mrs.Howard): ms.Robinson have a seat
(Kayla): umm where at mrs. Howard
(Mrs.Howard): where ever you find an empty seat ms Robinson

(Kayla): ooowee somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today

*kids laughing *

(Mrs.howard): what was that ms. Robinson
(Kayla): ohhh nothing

*Kayla mumbled*

This is going to be a long school year.................

To Be Continued

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