Another Random Text

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Kayla get another text and the text said you do know who I am  we met you gave me your number...
Her secret replied you do know me but can I take you out this Friday after school so we can get to know each other I would love to take a pretty girl out like you so can I get that chance and we can go on from there you would love it I promise you I wouldn't let you down I promise .(text Sent) Kayla phone vibrates and it another text from her secret and she sitting here trying to figure out who this random person is and she thinking really hard and next thing you know another text came through and said Hello are you there  and Kayla replied and said I don't know who you are can you give me your name or something tell me how we met An then Kayla said I think I know who this is is this King ......
(Secret) said Noo I don't know who that is but we met last year
(Kayla ) I don't know who this is and really last year like I would know who you are that last year.

To Be Continued...................

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2017 ⏰

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