Chapter 3- Blueprints

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Picture of Jay at the top



I woke up this morning really energized so I decided to go for a swim out back. Asia is on her way over so I figured I'll just chill until she gets her. I'm so ready to start college I mean I don't know what to expect. I'm going to be around so many guys.

I do want a boyfriend but then again I wanna focus on volleyball. I just think a boy would be a distraction for me going to nationals. That's my biggest goal right now. I was taking dives into the pool when Asia walked in.

"Hey." She said. Taking her towel from around her body.

"Hey took you long enough." I said swimming to front of the pool.

"I know my mom was holding me up." She said before diving in. When she came up she pushed her hair out of her face.

"Oh ok. I can't wait for college girl all these college parties and boys but I know I should focus on basketball if I wanna go to pro."

"I don't really care for the boys because college boys try to fool you and talk you into doing all these things but yea volleyball is all I'm focusing on and I'm happy we are going to be roommates."

"I know we can have our on lil kick backs. It's gone be turnt. We don't need to get fined tho. Hey you know it's a really big college party like 3days before the first day of school?"

"No I didn't know that who told you." I said making my body float."

"One of my college friends."

"A guy or a girl."

"A girl."

"Oh." I said frowning a little. "I didn't know you knew people in college."

"No it's just her but she told me as a warning that it can get really wild and to not let anybody get anything for you because they will drug you. Not all but some so do it your self."

"Oh trust I know that."



I was at my locker on the 4th day of school when jay came up behind me.

"Wassup Alaina?"

"Hi. Bye."

"Stop doing that man..." He said.

"Jay you got so many hoes right? Go entertain one of them."

"Na I'm trying to see what you like." He said leaning on me and licking his lips.

I scoffed."Seriously? Move." I said pushing him away from me.

"Ian mean it like that li." He said trying to grab me.

"I don't care. Stop touching me." I said pulling my arm back while walking off. Just when I turned the corner, messiah is there talking to some girl. She was just smiling and he was entertaining the bullshit. I decided to go over there. I was standing there and he didn't even say anything. I don't even think he saw me.

"Um hello." I said waving my hand in his face.

"Oh wassup Alaina."

"What?" I said frowning. He never calls me Alaina. I started to feel a little uneasy. He just went back to there conversation like I wasn't even there. "You know what. Forget about Friday. You've been nothing but a complete asshole for to long and I'm can have him." I said to the girl after looking her up and down then walking away. That's when he wants notice me.

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