Dream #1

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   Okay I had this dream a while ago so it won't be so detailed but... HERE WE GO!!!!!! XD
   Okay we start were I remember...
   You know like The Walking Dead video game??? Well I had just watched the series that Pewdiepie made. I know he made the series a while ago but I wanted to watch it because I had just started watching it on Netflix.
   So I had watched I few videos of the series and it was really good and stuff.
   So that's why in my dream, I was a animated character who had gotten in a vehicle (jeep and it was animated as well.) As soon as I got in the car it started driving. Btw this was in the dark and in the forest and I think it was by a lake.
   Then all of a sudden another thing from one of the games Pewdiepie played. It was a monster so you can clearly see that it was Horror game that he played. It walked in a crouched way and the whole thing was just skin, it didn't even have a face, just skin. It came out and jump scared me.
I was so scared that i run and jumped in the lake, (I think) then I saw a duck at it when *quack*, then then dream ended.
So that's what happened. I told you!! My dreams are very weird and usually reflect off of what I watch on T.V.
So that's it for this dream!! Good bye my peeps!!!!! Stay epic and don't do drugs!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!:3
Chuck Norris approves this book. (Jk! Lol)

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