Dream #2

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Hello everyone!!! Izzy here!!!! I shook the dreams out of my dream catcher so I didn't remember my dreams last night. But I will tell you about the one I had about I week ago... ABOUT A WEEK AGO!!! Vote this story if you know that song. Lol hahaha XD.
Okay so my dream was very short and very weird so brace yourself 😋.
Okay you might know that I'm a transformers fan, the actual word/name "Ratchet" got in my dreams. (Okay you might say that you can't read in dreams, but you can recognize words. You just can't read a sentence or a book in a dreams so yeah...) Okay so you all know what a concrete wall looks like?? Well "ratchet" was spelled in spray paint. But here's the thing, "ratchet" was spelled incorrectly. It was spelled "Rachet" but I'm pretty sure I meant "ratchet". Okay, so the 'et' at the end wasn't there so I got two pieces of paper taped them on and sprayed them on with green spray paint. "Rach" part of the word was just sprayed on the concrete wall in red spray paint.
So all I did was put 'et' to finish off the word then the dream ended.
So that's my dream... Hope you enjoyed it!!! Bye my peeps!!! Loves ya!!! Byeeeeee!!!

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