He Thought It Was Silly String

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When we got to our next class I realized Rei was also in that class. Rei sat down in front of Roxanne in the middle of class. I walked over to the teacher and said "Hi I'm new Eren Jaeger" she looked at what I assume was the attendance sheet "Oh hello Eren you may sit in that empty seat back there." I sat down at the empty seat when I heard Roxanne's voice "Ereeeeennnn why are you sitting so far from me?" I sighed this was going to be a long year. "Roxanne this is the only open seat at the moment." Rei got up and walked to the student that was sitting next to him "switch with Eren" the boy gathered all of his stuff and got up so fast I hardly noticed. He walked over to me and I grabbed my bag and stood up "Sorry about him if it makes you feel any better I'm scared of him too" the boy laughed and I sat down across from Rei "Thanks Raymonnnd" Roxanne teased, I was guessing that was his real name and Rei was only a nickname. He pushed up his glasses with his index finger and simply said "Don't call me that" Roxanne laughed and rolled up a paper, basically climbed on top of his desk and held the end up to Rei's ear and whispered in it. I'm sure it was something crazy by the way Rei rolled his eyes.

School seemed so easy it was like I was wasting my time. At the end of the day I was once again almost crushed if I didn't go over to Rei's house so I did. It was one story but very roomy. We began to talk in the kitchen and Rei was going on about eating healthy and stuff so he was basically making us healthy snacks. "They key to a long lasting life is to exc-"we all heard a scream and Rei reacted totally fine while I was a little freaked out. "Roxanne can you check on my brother" "aw of course!" once he left the room Rei told me "My little brother David loves Roxanne more than I do, and don't worry he's always screaming and being obnoxious. I feel like they can relate with each other because of how childish they both are, and Davis is ten by the way so now you know my boyfriend is like a crazy mastermind that acts like a ten year old."I laughed I actually laughed. These guys aren't half bad "Wait so how did you guys end up together?" "Well believe it or not but at first Roxanne was a pretty scary guy an-"we heard a scream but it was from Roxanne this time. We looked at each other and ran to his brother's room Roxanne was on the floor with his hands on his face screaming bloody murder. Rei ran to him and screamed "DAVID WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" Roxanne started to talk between his cry's "f-fucking p-p-pepper sprayed me!!" well duh why didn't we smell the pepper before. I had to take control "David don't touch your face at all, Rei do you guys have a spray bottle anywhere?" "Yeah by the back door it should have water in it. It's for the dogs" I ran to get the spray bottle once in hand, I made my way to the kitchen. I poured out the water and replaced it with milk. I ran back to the room "Roxanne you need to move your hands, I know it burns but this will help you." fuck if he keeps this the burning is going to get worse.

"Rei pin his arms down." He did as told and his face was extremely red. I began to spry the milk on his face. I sprayed until Roxanne was able to tell me to stop. I then got a cool towel and told him to place it over his eyes. We put him in Rei's room and we sat down with him finally asking him what happened. "Ok tell me what happened" Rei looked so stressed out he was really worried about him. I didn't even think twice when I told Rei to hold him down while he was squirming and screaming. I told myself I don't have time for dumb people I now realized it wasn't the lack of knowledge I hated about people it was the emotion they had towards one another. Friendship, love, respect, I need to open my eyes to others but how?

"I walked in and the smell of pepper was everywhere I realized it was pepper spray that David was holding and I tried to take it from him nice and slow but he was freaking out about getting in trouble and he kept telling me how it looked the same as the silly string bottle and his finger slipped and the brat fucking pepper sprayed me" I sighed what the hell did I get myself into. "Thanks Eren for helping me because I was ready to rip my eyes out of its sockets." Rei laughed "That's gross" I thought out loud whoops. Roxanne then let out a loud annoying noise "I have practiccccceee" why does this boy like holding out letters of words? "So do I" I looked at Rei "You do cheer?" "God no, I have track practice" "Oh makes sense" fuck why do I keep thinking out loud "His body is amazing right! I keep telling him that but he thinks he's weak" I scoffed "If anything I'm the weakest here" "Oh come one you were the only one that knew what to do!" I guess he was right. Rei got up "I have to start getting ready for practice, babe can you walk?" Roxanne removed the towel and blinked "yeah but I don't think I can go to practice today though" "okay I can drive you" fuck Eren don't say it "I can take him, it's no problem you have practice so it's okay I'll take him" fuck REALLY? "Aww thanks Eren!" Roxanne got up, hugged and kissed Rei and we began to leave. Before we did I made sure to tell Rei "Make sure you don't kill David when we leave." He smirked "Trust me I'm so mad at him I can't even look at him right now." We laughed then got in my car. "Hey can we go to the school so I can show my coach that I just got pepper sprayed." "What? Why do you need to show him?" "Because I don't have a Doctor's note, so we have to physically show him." "Um okay sure"

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