Promise me?

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When we got to the school I walked with Roxanne into the Gym. "Ah there you are Roxanne" "Yeah um coach I can't practice today." "And why is that?" I thought it was the coach who asked that question but the change in voice told me that it wasn't I looked up from my book and it was some boy who was absolutely stunning. His jaw line was fine and his hair looked so soft, fuck who is this guy. "Well Levi I cannot attend practice because I was pepper sprayed in the fucking face." Roxanne's change of tone literally scared the shit out of me. "Woah clam down sunflower, you're scaring your new friend there, Please introduce me" holy shit they were walking this way. The boy put out his hand and said "Levi Ackerman, senior and Captain of the cheer team. And you are?" Roxanne stepped in between us and said "Not interested. Let's go Eren I already talked to my coach." Before anyone could do anything Levi pushed me against the folded up bleachers and came close. Like our chests were pushed up against one another's. He whispered in my ear "I've read that book," he kissed my lobe "The killer gets away with it." I felt the heat on my cheeks fuck what is going on, did this really just happen. Before Roxanne and I reached my car he pulled me into a hug and when I mean hug he practically wrapped his arms around my neck and squeezed it took me a while to realize that this was a hug and I wasn't being assaulted but I slowly raised my arms and hugged him back. He talked into my neck "Promise me you won't get involved with Levi" "Hm? Why?" he hugged me tighter "He's just not a good person okay? He's the type of boy to I guess you can call it hit it and quit it, and I don't want that happing to you so please promise me." wow he really did care for me "I promise." As those words left my mouth I began to wish the boy who was hugging me was in fact Levi.

Four weeks went by and I made only one more friend since my first day. I see Mikasa around a lot but I still refuse to talk to her at school. "ERENNNNN" that's the familiar voice I hear every day "Yes Roxanne?" "The cheer team is throwing a huge party tonight and you are coming!" "How do you even know that I will be able to go?" he rested his head on my shoulder and mumbled in a small voice "Because Rei can't go and you're my best friend and I would be sad if you didn't go" fuck him and his pouty voice "I'll see what I can do" "Yayyy I knew you would come! I can pick you up at seven" I sighed what is my life coming to?

I talked my dad into letting me spend the right at Roxanne's house. The excessive beeping outside my house let me know that Roxanne was here. When I got into his car our other friend Mike was in the car. He was the only other friend I had made. "He dragged you into coming to?" he asked me "Wouldn't be here if he didn't" we laughed and we left. It was only seven and the party was already packed. We parked a little ways from the house despite all the other cars parked around. Once we got into the party Roxanne literally disappeared Mike yelled over the music "Do you have any idea where that fucking butt plug went?" I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. Mike was a pretty nice guy. His hair is a light brown and so were his eyes. He was on the swim team and I would be lying if I said he wasn't just the slightest attractive. "No I don't let's get some drinks" we walked over and got drinks. We talked and talked, drink by drink it only got worse "I guess this is fun but do you want to dance?" "Michael you're shit faced ""so are you Jaeger" "true" someone then screamed "body shots!" Mike looked at me and before he could even open his mouth I was dragging him towards the table. A girl started to strip down to her underwear and bra. There were so many shot glasses around her body it was crazy "Who owns this many shot glasses?" I asked mike "I don't know but I'm glad they do" we took about fifteen shots each. How the hell am I not dead yet?

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