Easy For You To Sleigh

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Lifty's POV

I spot another another house. I quickly point it out to my brother Shifty. We quickly scramble up to the roof and sneak down the chimney to see what treasures awaited us. We look around the room to find it is filled to the brim with valuable, rare and priceless treasures. I suddenly spot Flippy sleeping deeply in his armchair, perched on his lap a plate of Christmas tree shaped cookies. Shifty jumps up into my shoulders to grab the nearest small valuable collectible. He clumsily drops it, causing it to smash. We quickly look back to Flippy, phew, the army bear hasn't woken up yet. Then I spot his 60 inch costscreen. I point it out to my brother, we quickly grab it. But, it blares out a noisy trumpet sound. We quickly check on Flippy again. His snoring becomes quiet but soon picks up again. "Heh, heh, heh!" I thought to myself. "We should tie him up and take everything he has", I whisper to Shifty. He drives a truck to Flippy's front door and load everything apart from him and his cookies into the back of the truck. We tie him to a cinder block. Then my moron brother decides he wants a cookie. "No!" I shout at him, but it was too late. He took the cookie and a little piece broke off and landed on the floor.

Flippy's POV

I awaken to the sound of a small thing smashing on the floor. I look down at my paws and see they are blind to a cinder block. Then I tried my hands. I gasp. Then I imagine myself back in the swamp trapped in a bamboo cage being poked at. "Uh oh!" I gasp...

Fliqpy's POV

I try and break free of the doors bounding my feet and hands. Finally, free! I see Lifty and Shifty staring at me. They start to run in the opposite direction. "Time to set some traps", I thought to myself... I see them rum towards my door trying to escape. "Their not leaving with their lives", I thinkto myself. I hide behind my door and slam it shut with the force of a crocodile snapping its jaws shut on its unsuspecting prey. I laugh evilly "Muahahahaha!" Lifty and Shifty quickly run in the opposite direction. My plan is working. I see Lifty get impaled on my sharpened candy cane trap. I leave him for the moment, it's time to see what Shifty does. He sees my rare and valuable candle holder on top of the best trap. Smart raccoon! He has a bag of sand with him. He figured out the exact weight of the candle holder and switches the two and runs off. He really is a moron! He raise his sand back which then triggers the trap, which ends up with him losing his arm. He runs towards my other trap but unfortunately for me he sees it. That's ok though. He turns towards me with a pleading look. How pathetic! I crush the bauble I had in my hand and blue it into his face. He stumbles backwards and ends up getting strung upside down. I take out my last cookie that I was hiding in my hat and slide it right down the front of his body. The blood drips down onto the floor. "Mmmmm" I think to myself. I take a bite out of the blood covered cookie. That's delicious! I finish him just in time to see Lifty become free of my first trap. I quickly put on Shifty's fur and clothes on my own body. I quickly clamber onto the boxes near my window. "Psst" I sat to Lifty and point out of the window to my last trap. He lands in the shredder. I quickly jump off the boxes, clean myself up and jump into the driver's seat. I drove it forwards. Out of the back hay bales comes out, then Lifty's body comes out wrapped up like a present. Which then lands underneath a pine tree which is decorated with Christmas lights.

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