Party Animal

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Flaky's POV

Today is Flippy's birthday which is why I'm baking him a cake. I carefully break the eggs and put them into the mixing bowl. I then stir the contents, then Nutty comes in and try's to take the candy and eat it. I smack him on the hand and firmly tell him,"No!" I put some nuts into the blender but it becomes jammed with a bit shell. I go to put my hand in there but I quickly pull out the plug so I don't shred my hand in the process. I pop the nut into my mouth and swallow but a rash develops and I swell up. I shout at Nutty to help me but he eats the chocolate. Sniffles calls the ambulance and I am rushed to hospital. I come out an hour later, Mime rides up to me on his unicycle with nuts in his hand. Doctor Lumpy knocks them out of his hand, then Mime starts to "cry". I arrive back at home to find that the party is almost ready. Almost. I see Nutty pouring loads of sugar into the fruit juice bowl, Mime is blowing up balloons and making balloon animals. He accidentally let's it go and lands at the blender, he sticks his hand into the blender to eat the nuts. I don't mind I wasn't going to use them now. The Mole was putting up the Pin the tail on the Finish game and Sniffles filling a barrel with water for the Bobbing For Apples game. I see Flippy coming down the path. "Quickly, turn the light off," I shout.

Flippy's POV

I arrive at Flaky's house because she said it was very urgent. I open the door to a darkened room. Suddenly, Flaky, Cuddles, Toothy, Nutty, The Mole and Sniffles shout suprise. Mime mimes shouting suprise. First I am overcome with shock but soon overcome it. Flaky comes out of the kitchen with a massive cake while signing For His A Jolly Good Fellow. She hands me the cake cutter, I see suddenly see Fliqpy's face but I shake my head and soon see my own face. I cut the first slice of cake for Rally and set out to cut some cake for Toothy.

Nutty's POV

I try some of the improved fruit juice, I become so I become a tornado. Mime's nuts fly out of his hand and into Flaky's open mouth, she swells up and pops the balloons.

Flippy's POV

I hear the sound of the balloons popping and quickly imagine the gunshots from the War. "Huh!" I gasp...

Fliqpy's POV

I kick over the table with the cake on it. I spot my first victim, Toothy. "Yeah", I growl menacingly. I grab the cake cutter and take a slice out of Toothy's face. Blood oozes out of his head where his face used to be. "Muahahahaha!" I laugh evilly. I run over to Sniffles and Cuddles with the slice of Toothy's face. Sniffles runs away but Cuddles is just standing there, paralyzed with fear. I put Toothy's face in his plate, I grab the balloons next to me, wrap them around his throat. I let them go and watch Cuddles being shredded by the ceiling fan, his skin and blood coming down around me like yellow and red confetti. Nutty comes towards me spinning like a tornado, I use the cake cutter to skin him like an apple. I see Mime near the blender in the kitchen. I sneak behind him and plug in the blender, his hand stuck in the blades. He tries to pull free of the rotating blades but I pushed him in further without a second thought. I laugh again, "Muahahahaha!" I next spot Sniffles in the water and apple filled barrel. I sprint over and slam the lid onto it. I wait a few seconds. I quickly stick knives and forks into the barrel, I then pull the barrel outside, push it down the hill. The barrel and Sniffles explodes, blood, guts and brains exploding out everywhere. The Mole accidentally pokes Flaky, who is swollen up, with the pin point. She explodes which causes both Flaky and The Mole to die. I shake my head...

Flippy's POV

I come out the kitchen with the blender jug, stirring the contents inside. I swallow the liquid, I develop a rash and my lips swell up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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