Chapter Two

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After texting Kris. I went back to the leaving room. To see if I can go to Kris' house. Of course all moms probably and would be in the Kitchen. Not my mom. She's out side doing yoga. I went over by the sliding doors. Slide one open that was really noisy. Mom looks over like she's was kinda upset. That I ruin her yoga.

Amanda: Mom? Did I ruin your lesson?
Mom: Oh no! Honey you didn't....
Amanda: mom!?
Mom: Ok! You sorta did.
Amanda: I'm so sorry mom!

She puts down her DVD player. Right on the grass. Like she wanted to chase right out of the yard. So she can get some a lone time. To do her yoga lesson.

Mom: No no, honey... You fine. It's just I need to some yoga.
Amanda: I know mom, but I need to know. If I can go over to Kris' house?

Mom takes a drink of her power ad. That she got about three or four weeks ago. Then looks back at me. With a smile saying. "I know that Kris is gonna ask you out or something"! I'm like in my head. "Um, no!"

Mom: Sure, Honey. Just take my car. So you can save gas. For yours for school.
Amanda: Thanks mom!
Mom: No problem!

Ran back inside grabbed the keys. Then out I went. To Kris' house I went. Now once I pulled into Kris' lot. Or drive way. Whatever you want to call it. There's always these bugs. Hanging out around the door. Those bugs always attack me. I have bits all over from them. Kris comes out. Waving "Hello" to me. Where there's me. Trying not to show. That I'm crushing on him. So much right now.

Kris: Hey Amanda!
Amanda: Hey!

Came out of the car. Took of my shiny red beautiful sunglasses. Put on top of my head. Then Kris walking toward me. My heart was beating so fast. I don't know what to do. My face was about to turn red, but I hold it back. It made me look like that I was dying. But hey it worked! Kris took my hand. Then pulled me inside of his house.

Kris: So how are you? After school?
Amanda: I'm ok, I guess. Well not really. Those girls that. Made fun of me and my shyness. I wanted to say thank you. For backing me up.

Kris came over to me. A little closer then he ever been to me.

Kris: Sure thing

His brown eyes looking into my Hazel eyes. Was drawing me attention to him. Like I wanted to kiss him right off the bat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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