Chapter 9 - You're Okay

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A/N I'm sorry I haven't updated sooner, Writers Block is a meanie :( Well, HERE YOU HAVE IT, CHAPTER NINE!


        You never know stress until you're waiting in a hospital waiting room, waiting for the news on someone you love.

 It feels like hours we had just been waiting in here. It was like I couldnt be still, my mind spinning around in a fast speed.

 He should have got out sooner, but the doctors had found out that he hadn't been eating. He had lost too much weight so they needed to put a IV in him to help.

 They said if we had waited much longer to take him in, he would be dead by now.

It honestly killed me to see his fragile body just lying on the bed. He had always been quite fragile compared to me, but now he just looked.. Breakable. Almost see through looking.

 So here I was, pacing back and forth trying to not pull all my hair out from the worry I was feeling right now.

   Zayn sighed "Harry, calm down mate."

I looked at him bewildered. "Calm down? You want me to calm down when Louis is in the Emergency Room for something that was MY fault?"

Niall shook his head. "Harry, it isn't your fault. It was no ones fault. You made a mistake, so did Louis. That's all in the past though. I think it's time we all move on."

 My lip began to quiver, knowing he was right. He got up and wrapped me in his arms, rubbing my back comfortingly.

 "I'm just so scared Niall." I whimpered.

 He sighed. "I know Harry, I know. We're all scared. But every things going to be okay, I just know it."

 I pulled back from him slightly and gave him the first genuine smile I have had in a long time, hoping he was right. He looked over my shoulder and his eyes widened at the sight behind me.

My eyebrows furrowed and I quickly turned around. There standing, was the face I had longed to see for so long.

 The face of my true lover. The face of my angel. The one person who had saved my life.

 "Louis?" my voice cracked.

He gave me a sad smile. "Harry."

I instantly smiled and ran to him, picking his body up and hugging him close to me. His warmth filled my completely and my heart began to race.

 My heart swelled with happiness as I pulled back, looking at him with a cheesy grin. He smiled back and shook his head.

 "Harry. I'm so sorry." He said quietly.

I shook my head. "I'm just so glad you're okay." I told him, my voice breaking up slightly. Tears formed in his eyes and I felt my eyes get cloudy from my own tears.

 I grabbed both sides of his face and pulled his face closer to me. I hesitated at first, afraid he would pull back. But when he made it clear he wouldn't, I kissed his soft lips lightly.

 As soon as my lips met his, a warmth went through me. The cold ice in my veins was gone, filled with love and happiness instead.

 I held him close to me and I kissed him passionately. He kissed me right back, lacing his fingers in my hair.

  I pulled back slightly and looked into his dark blue eyes. I laughed and shook my head. I traced my fingers down his beautiful face I had grown so in love with.

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