Chris Imagine #2

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"Hey y/n" Teddy and Gordie say in sync. You notice vern look at you then whisper something to Chris and then look at you again, you decided to ignore it hoping that it's nothing. Then you start to wonder if Verno knows about your crush on Chris.
"Why don't we have a tree climbing contest?" Vern says sounding very enthusiastic about it. "I'm down for it. How about you guys?" Chris asks the rest of the gang. He looks so cute when he says gang. You're totally mesmerized by how cute he his the boys start to wave their hands in front of your face! "Y/n do you wanna do the contests or not?" Teddy yells to you in your face. "What? Yeah, I'm ready for whatever we're gonna do today." you say back.
You and the boys looked for about 15 minutes until you found "the biggest tree in Castle Rock." First up you and Teddy. "Chris why don't you give y/n a boost up!" Vern said while nudging Chris in the arm.
You feel Chris grip your waist and push you up the tree. "Ughh." He grunts with the amount of wait being forced upon his body. He was strong but you didn't know if he was strong enough to take your weight, but he managed. Teddy smiled at you noticing how your cheeks are redening and decided to point it out. "He he he! Lookie here y/n's blushing! I wonder why?" You're loosing concentration and can't focus on climbing the tree because of Chris touching you and you think the gang knows that you like Chris. Your foot looses it's placement and you're dangling by your hands. "Help me." You scream. "Let go!" Chris yells! You look down and you realize Chris is below you waiting to catch you.
Chris is underneath you. You turn over and hes staring into your eyes. "You have really nice eyes." You say, you can feel your face heating up when that comes out. "They almost remind of the way Gordie described Lardass' eyes." Oh shit.. Did I just say that? You think to yourself. Chris does his cute chuckle and he's staring at you. "I.. I didn't mean that. Ugh that was stupid, I'm sorry. Your eyes are much better than Lardass' I would imagine." You say very embarrassed. "Don't worry. It was actually kinda cute. Now listen, y/n, I know you like me and I like you too." When he said those four words you felt chills run down your body. "Really? I never thought you would." You say back. "Well you thought wrong, now come on let's get up."
The gang decides to head back to the tree house. You and Chris held hands the entire walk back.
How was that? I tried really hard on this and I hope it's original!💘 Please let me know if you want more!😚

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