Chris Imagine #3

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{ @ariflorals }
You can hear a faint voice calling your name. "Ariel!" It's becoming louder. "Ariel!" It becomes so clear you recognize the voice. It's your boyfriend Chris. "I noticed your parents aren't home. Is Friday date night?" He says. "You know you can't come in!" You say as he's already half way through your bedroom window. "We have at least two hours lighten up babe." "Okay, I'm just worried because if my parents come home they won't be happy." You say as he's rubbing your arms.
He roughly kisses your neck then spins you around so his body is pressed against yours. You kiss him hard. He's pulling you back with him to the bed. "Did you hear that?" You say. "I didn't hear anything now let's go! This might be our only chance." He says while taking his shirt off and unbuttoning his pants. "You're right. Let's do this." He removes your shirt and your bra and your laying there with nothing on but your panties. He kissed your body from head to toe stopping at your inner thy when the bedroom door busts open.
"Mom! Dad! What are you two doing home so early!" You yell to them while shoving Chris in your closet. "What's going on Ariel?" Dad says while walking further into your room. "Nothing I was just changing into my pajamas! Now get out!" You yell back to him you have a shirt and shorts on now. "Christopher. Get out now." Mom says sternly. "Oh hello Mrs. Holmes" Chris says sheepishly while rubbing his hand on his bare legs. "I'm just came by to drop off uhh... Ariel's hair brush! See?" Your mom stares at him intensely. "Listen Chambers. I told you to stay away from my daughter. I know why you're here and I don't want you to be having sex with her. And Ariel. I have told you before that I don't want you seeing this boy." She yells. Chris is halfway out of you're window. "But mom! I love him. He's a great boy, he's not at all like Eyeball, I promise!" You say with your head in your hands. "He better be. You have one shot Chambers. You blow it and you're never seeing her again." She walks away.
"You meant what you said?" He asks. "Yeah I... I love you Chris Chambers." You say. "I love you too Ariel." He says. "Now let's get back to what we were doing, before we were interrupted." "Sounds good to me Chris."
Ahh I hope you like it! I tried to make this unique😚💘

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