kingdom's flower

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Me and Isabelle jumped but it was only the oldest but wises man in the kingdom.
''I know what your up to princess.'' He said
''Please don't tell my father.'' I said he only smiled
''I will not.'' He said placing a hand on my shoulder.
''Thank you very much.'' I said
''Now listen closely there's another clue. The flowers are hidden not only were there's no light but it is were a legendary but horrible creature died.'' He said.
''I know were it is.'' I said
In the cave of the dark beast.'' Isabelle said
''My powers are weak it will at less take me a bay to get there.'' I said
''Then you most go tonight.''said the old man
''Thank you.'' I said then ran off into the garden's. I got out of the garden's and put my hood up I walked into the forest hoping to find the cave of the dark beast because a path is hard to find to the mountain that's safe. A snake slithered past me and I jumped.
''Stooped snakes.''I said
Then keeled walking. I walked the rest of the night my legs were tired by morning so I sat under a tree to rest after a few minutes I looked up and saw that I was sitting under an Apple tree so I claimed up and picked a few I was about to clime down when I heard voices so I stayed up in the tree and two men came into view.
''I can't believe we got the boy not the girl.'' One of them said
''But his plan is going to work make the king give up the crown.'' Said the other man
''Shut up stooped.''said the first man as he hit the other in the head.

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