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Chapter 1- The Background

The lump on the mattress in the plain room moved slightly. It moved again. A head full of dark hair popped out. Bleary eyes looked at the alarm clock and blinked. Blinked again, and then widened in alarm. The 'lump' got up and finally revealed itself as a girl. Average-sized, average-height, just average. Moving around the room, she began to get dressed. Jeans, a tank top, and combat boots.

"Kir! If you don't get down here now, I will leave you!" growled a voice from downstairs.

She took a quick look around and finally saw what she was looking for on her desk. It was a gold bracelet with an engraved plate. The front engraving had her name and a small wolf next to it. The back was a small note from her parents. It read, "Always Have Heart & Never Lose Yourself. Love Mommy & Daddy." She smiled as she read it.

Ready for school, she bounded down the stairs toward the person who called her. She really wanted to go in for a hug as usual, but never did. She knew he wouldn't appreciate it anymore. Her beloved older brother was her only family left, but sometimes it didn't feel like it. He was just like the rest of them, acknowledging her only when they needed her. The pack was always abusing her, even though she didn't do anything to deserve it.

"I'm ready, Hunter," she said. He wasn't listening. He was looking at his phone and texting someone. Kiran just stood there quietly, waiting for him to finish. After a couple of minutes, he finally looked up and saw her. He took a moment to observe her since she was looking down at the ground.

His little sister. His eyes softened at that. She was precious, he knew that, but even he couldn't control the things that happened, nor did he want to.   He was finally going to turn 19 in a few days. His whole life he was groomed to be Alpha and he took those lessons to heart. Because of this, he wasn't able to care for his sister as he wanted. He saw that she was getting bullied, but he couldn't do anything. He was busy and he wanted her to stand up for herself. Moving into the pack house didn't help things either. She never did and he believed that it was better if he didn't help her so she could become a stronger person by herself.

Now though, he saw that it was all for naught. His sister just let herself get bullied and at this point, he just couldn't make himself care anymore. She was capable of taking care of herself and he just couldn't fend for her. She has Alpha blood, for Goddess' sake! The results of the abuse though came out to this. Kiran was soft-spoken, polite, and respectful, even when no one else was respectful to her. He sighed and hoped she would grow out of that soon and become the person he knew she could be. He was the only one civil to her, but  sometimes he succumbed to the peer pressure brought on by the pack members as well.

"Let's go," he finally said, snapping Kiran out of her daydreaming. She looked up at him and nodded. They both got in his car and made their way to school.

School was uneventful, but there was a lot of buzz going around about Hunter's Commencement ceremony to be the new Alpha. It was the hottest thing since he was also going to find his mate that day too. The pack was going to celebrate their new Alpha and his birthday the same night. Many of the girls at school were hoping to be his destined mate.


Sooo....I'm back and decided to make this story. I'm also getting back into my old ones. I already have a chapter set up for I Love Her, She Hates Me. Captivated By A Goddamn Vampire, I'm still working on...might put it on a hiatus. I don't remember where I was going with that one and will try to get back to it as soon as possible.

Will be POV after this.

Vote, Comment, the works. Thanks!

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