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"Anesthesia, are you ready?" Cade rushed.
"Yes Cade. I'm ready." I sighed and looked in the mirror one more time.
The long white dress was very stunning.
"Cade, give me a few more minutes. I need some time to breathe."
"Okay, I'll be back!" Cade ran out of my room.
"Wow, I can't believe this. You're actually marrying this guy."
"Its Anesthesia."
"Nope. You'll always be my Alice." he narrowed his catlike eyes.
"Boris, I can't turn back now."
"Yes you can. Run away with me. I can make you happy too."
"I'm flattered Boris."
"You should be. I'm madly in love with you. I was worried sick when you had disappeared and then I found you again. Now you're getting married. Even after all the times we planned out our wedding." he pouted.
"You said you loved me. Now how do you feel?"
"I'll wear a white dress, but I'm going to wear converses. I might have my hair pulled up. No, I'll wear it down. Oh you shouldn't wear a jacket. I don't think they look right on you." I said.
"You've got a point. I hate how they look on me too. Wait, do I have to cut my hair?" He asked.
"No! I would never make you do that." I laughed.
"Good. I wouldn't do it anyway. I would just watch you face when you saw that I didn't." he teased.
"Boris, I love you and your weird sense of humor."
"Anything for the girl I love."
We laughed.
He pointed at a shooting star.
"Make a wish!"
I wish we can be together Forever.
"What did you wish for?" he asked.
"I can't tell you! It won't come true."
"Okay." he pouted.
"Fine. I wished that we could be together Forever."
"Awwh, really?"
"Yes." I giggled.
He kissed me.
"I love you Alice."
"I love you more Boris."
"Not even possible."
"Boris, I cant believe I told you my wish."
"I never believed in stuff like that until you. Right after you disappeared. I went your house and your dad threw me out. Litterly. I searched everywhere for you. I still love you Alice."
He put his hands on my waist.
"I wish you were dressed up for me."
"I don't know how I feel about getting married yet."
"You're still young."
"I know."
"Alice, run away with me?"
"But my dad."
"He made me think you vanished once. I love you and I want to be with you. Forever and always."
My heart was racing.
Boris or Dante?
I know I love Boris.
I know I can fall in love with Dante.
My dad would search for me. I know he wants me to be happy.
He wouldn't tell me that I couldn't be with the man I love.
"Alice, we have to hurry." Boris warned.
He pressed his forehead to mine, "Please choose me. I truly love you."
"I love you too Boris."
"Then come with me. I'll make us both happy."
"Boris, I don't know if I can."
"Alice, please? You'll be happier with me. You know me. He's a stranger."
"He was my best friend."
"I don't believe it. You're going to stay with him? Fine, I'll just go. Goodbye Alice." he wiped his tears and turned away.
"Boris, I love you. Don't leave. Please. I'm scared."
"Your father isn't supposed to be alive. He died when you were younger alongside your mother. If that's why you're staying it's all a lie." he said coldly.
"How did he die?" I grabbed Boris's hand and made him look at me.
"He fought the man who was coming to take you. You were fourteen and your mother wiped your memories. That's when your uncle took you. I had always knew him as your father. I figured out recently that he wasn't. Anesthesia Primrose Grey. That's your real name. Alice was a nickname that we came up with. You obviously don't remember that. I've known you since we were small. You probably don't remember me playing with you and the boys. We all loved you. Ever since we met you. I'm the illegitimate son. I'm the eldest."
"Boris, do they know?"
"No, father made me promise not to say anything since I'm not like them. My mother was a witch, so I have more power than the others. I feel terrible for hiding everything from them. My step mother always favored me though. As if I were her real son. Then the triplets were born and father sent me into hiding. Then one day a little girl with snowy, white hair found me. She asked what my name was and I told her. She loved my name. Thought it suited me. She asked me what I did in my free time and I showed her my magic. That girl was you Alice. My best friend after I was hidden away." He said and looked down at me.
"Boris, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to hide. You're the eldest son. That would shut Ryan's ego way down."
He chuckled, "He's such a pest. Thinks he runs everything."
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I wanted to see if you would remember on your own."
"Well hopefully I will regain that memory."
"Alice, Don't be scared of my father. He is a very weak man. Lillian will be back soon. I know it."
A knock on the door made me jump.
"Anesthesia, it's your father." the man who I thought was my father walked in.
"Who is this?" he asked.
"Who are you?"
"I'm your father."
"I don't know who you are, but I Don't want you to touch my Alice." Boris warned.
"Her name is Anesthesia. She's my daughter."
"You're a liar and a bad actor. I knew her father."
"You little brat, let go of my daughter. Its her wedding day."
"Well she isn't marrying anyone just yet. She's still making a decision. There is one more son."
"Anesthesia, he is a liar."
"Gregory Heart. 26. Too young to be her father. Sorry, you should leave before you piss me off." He finished it with a growl.
The more I think about it, he acts like a cat.
"Fine, I'll be back. This isn't over."
He left.
"He is getting my father. We have to hurry." Boris grabbed my hands.
"But your brothers?"
"I'll warn them after I get you out of here. I'll take you home. To our home."
"Okay, but I'm worried about them."
"Don't be. They're strong boys."
"I trust them."
He kissed my forehead.
"Grab your things. Hurry." he grabbed my bag and started putting things in it.
I grabbed the pictures of me and my parents.
My aunt and uncle.
I packed them and packed all my important things.
"Alice, lets go!" Boris grabbed the bag and looked into the hall.
I followed him.
"There's a secret way. I'll protect you."
I nodded and followed him through all the doors and paths.
"Anesthesia? Sweetheart?"
"Mom?" I asked frantically
"Oh my precious girl. I miss you so much."
"I miss you too mom."
"Alice? Are you okay?" Boris asked me.
"Anesthesia, I want you to know that you will regain a lot of your memories tonight. I have been trying to warn you for years. Some will be painful. Oh my sweet girl, I will always be with you." her voice faded.
"Alice, hurry." Boris grabbed my hand and pulled me.
We reached the outside gardens and made our way to the gates.
"Alice, home is a while away. I can get us a car when we are a safe distance away from here."
"As long as we get home Boris."
He smiled and kissed me.
"We can finally be together again."
I walked to the end of the big hallway and there was a large door.
I knocked on it, but no one answered.
I opened it.
"Oh hello. I didn't hear you knock." a boy asked.
"What's your name?
"I'm Boris, and you are?"
"Anesthesia. I like your name. It suits you."
"I like you're too, but it's really long. How about I call you Alice?"
"I like that."
"Then it's settled, you're my best friend Alice." He smiled and hugged me.
"What do you do in your free time, Boris?"
"I play with magic. Wanna see?"
I grew excited, "Yes, mommy and daddy showed me their magic once. I would love to see yours."
"Okay, it probably isn't as great as theirs."
He held out his hand, "Now put yours on mine."
I put my hand on his. It was really warm and soft.
"Don't be scared Alice." He said.
Then I started to float.
"Oh my God. I can't believe this. I'm floating!" I giggled.
He laughed.
"Its fun isn't it? I like levitation. It makes things faster." he said as he floated to my level.
"Alice, I say we play together more often. I know we will be friends for a long time."
"Is that your way of saying you love me?"
He blushed.
"I love you too silly."
"Alice, we'll be home soon."
"I love you too silly."
"You haven't said that since the day we met. How do you remember that?"
"I just did. Why?"
"I was thinking about it. Ever since I brought it up I've been thinking about it."
"Are you saying I can see the memories of others?"
"I think so."
"Oh God. This is truly going to drive me mad."
"We're all mad here."

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