All Friend Sleepover

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(3rd Person POV)

The group of eight were having a sleepover at Dick's place. All of them were free this Friday night so we decided some bonding was needed, also the dance is in 2 weeks and most of ten don't have dates.

At the moment they were playing truth or dare.

"Truth or dare?" Gar asked Wally.

"Err... Dare!"

"I dare you to kiss Jen." Wally spit out his soda, while Jen, who was chewing pizza, almost chocked.

"It's just a stupid dare, go for it." Jen said, blushing.

"Okay..." Wally leaned in closing his eyes. As there lips touched she felt something, something weird....whatever it was.. She liked it and so did he. He grabbed the back of her head, and it turned into a full blown make out session.

"Errm.. Guys" Raven monotoned " you guys still need to breath."

Wally and Jen soon separated and blushed profoundly.

"....Anyway" Raven started , obviously uncomfortable, "This is a dare for everyone, describe you ideal mate."

"Generous, yet badass, red hair, bright personality " Dick said.

" A leader type with black hair and blue eyes. He'd be caring, daring, and highly courageous" Kori said boldly.

"I guess funny and someone who gets me, red hair" Jen said.

"Someone the same as me. Stubborn, yet beautiful, brave and the leader type." Cyborg answered.

" I really don't know.." Said Gar "but I do like someone"

"Then describe that special someone"

"Well for starters, she probably doesn't like me, she's quiet and tends to be alone. If you hurt her or her friends, she'll kick your butt. She's kind and considerate. Black hair, beautiful, and she thinks she's alone, and nobody can help her...but she's not"

"That's.. interesting, can you give me her name" Bee asked nudging Rachel.

"No" he said quickly, glancing at Rachel.

"Anyway, I want someone total badass. Someone who's kind and considerate. She doesn't like me." Wally stated.

"Hair color?"

"Too much info, it'll be too obvious."

"Fine, I want someone who's smart and stubborn.. Like me. He'll be handsome and brave." Bee said.

"I just want someone who gets me. Who understands that I'm different, cause I can be pretty hard to handle.. Oh and the worst part...he doesn't like me, he likes another girl."

"What other girl?"

"Not telling"

"Who do you like"

"Not telling"

"Who's turn?"

"I wish to go!" Kori exclaimed.

"Okay go ahead"

"Jen, Truth or dare?" She asked with an innocent expression.

"Truth." Jen said, not expecting much.

"How was your kiss with Wally?"

"Ohh..can I go back to dare?"


"Fine it was amazing" she whispered the last part.

"What!" Bee exclaimed.

"Amazing, now can we please change the subject?" Wally grinned.

"Fine" she huffed, "we'll talk about it during girls night."

"Everybody, name your first crush"

"Babs" Dick said, "we used to be best friends." Kori looked horrified, but remained silent.

"Jen" Vic stated.

"Vic" Jen said clearly uncomfortable.

"You guys-" bee started.

"We both like someone else" Vic said calming her down. Bee sighed in relief, and said, "Harold".

"Artemis" Wally said (A/N: sorry to all the Wally and Artemis shippers, but for this story Artemis is an old friend. Trust me I ship Artemis and Wally too, I may make a young justice fanfic)

"Who's that?" Jen asked not wanting to show her jealousy, but failing terribly.

"Old Friend" he looked as if he was remembering the days, "She was beautiful, and we dated for some time, but after awhile we fell for other people" Jenn was miffed.

"Friend Garth and Friend Xavier"

"Who didn't like Garth" Rachel replied, "even I had a crush on him"

"Xavier's a bad guy" Dick stated.

"Those are merely rumors" Dick huffed after hearing this. "He still is quite handsome"

"Garth, obviously, and Mal" Rachel said in a monotone.

"Malchior's a playboy" Gar said, clearly annoyed.

"He understands me and he's cute" Rachel replied. Gar's jaw tightened, and his hands came together to create a fist.


"You just met her" Rachel said.

"No, actually I met her at my old school, and I moved. I really liked her, but not anymore." Rachel rolled her eyes.

"I'm tired" Wally whined, "Yeah..I've got track soon, and I've gotta practice"

"I've got cheer" Bee yawned.

"Student council" Kori said.

"That's tomorrow!", Dick exclaimed, "ugh, I forgot."

"Football, and Robotics" Vic said.

"Environment Club, starts"Gar said.

"Book club too" Rachel said

"What are we reading now?" Jen asked.

"Of mouse and men"

"Cool, goodnight everybody." Gar said.


(Hours later; morning)

Jen woke up to a shirtless Wally.

"Going for my morning jog, you?"

She remained speechless, and pointed to his chest.

Confused, he looked down and ran for a shirt. He came back blushing and he asked, "Hey, umm after book club, do you.. maybe wanna..go for pizza?" scratching his neck.

"Like a date?"

"If you want it to be.."

"Sure!" She said a bit too excited, " I mean.. yeah, that be great."

"Great, see you.. around 5?"


He left for his a flash.

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