Chapter 2

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That's where my mom found me the next day. On the garage floor.

"Ughh, Miranda! What the hell, " my mom yelled. Groggily I sat up and tried to pin point which image of my mother was the real one.

" I ... I don't know, what time is it? " I whispered. My throat was dry and hoarse , like I had been screaming all night long.

"Time for you to stop wasting my time, don't start picking up this habit Miranda" she said.

I had no idea what she was talking about, but I thought better of it to just walk away from the situation.

*breath in**breathe out*

Of course today would be the day to emphasize how much my life sucks.

"Next time think before you act Miranda, you're starting to act like your sister and we all know how that ended"she remarked.

I stopped near the entrance to the kitchen.

"Don't talk about her" I mumbled

"What did you--

" I said DON'T TALK ABOUT HER!" I yelled.

"Excuse me, but you are a child so you have no right to tell me, an adult, what to talk about. If I want to talk about your sister then so be it" she snapped.

I had  had enough.

"Shut up, all you ever do is nagg and act like nothings wrong when everybody in this family knows whats wrong. Quit trying to run my life mom. I know you're sad about Kim and your insensitive little heart doesn't know how to handle that but don't start talking about her like she was ever the problem in the first place" I said.

My mom just stood their and stared like she had no idea where this outburst was coming from.

" That's about the most I've heard you talk" she said, and left.

I went inside the kitchen and up the staircase leading to my room. What happened to me last night? I definitely didn't get drunk and I barely fall over myself. All I know is that whenever I think of last night I shiver.

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower nozzle. Striping off my dirty clothes, I looked at myself in the mirror.I guess you could say I'm beautiful, if I tried. My long wavy blond hair was limp and dry, the baby doll grey eyes were hiding behind deep, dark circles under my eyes, and my tall body dragged from all the big clothing I wore.

I stepped into the shower and the warmth of the water cascaded down my back like a waterfall realeasing stress. After the shower I went into my room and looked out into my window where storm cloouds formed. Sighing, I turned and faced the closet.

For some reason the one place I felt home in had a dark shadow cast upon it. What the hell?

Panicking I went into the bathroom and saw my sister Kim where I was. Scared, I backed into a nearby table knocking over a flower vase. Rapidly closing my eyes I slowly opened them hyperventilating at the same time. What I saw put me at ease again. A little shaken and slightly scared I threw on some shoes and ran downstairs. This house would be the death of me.

Before I could turn the knob on the front door I heard it.

A little girl was crying, her knees cradled in her arms head bent low in the living room. As I quietly stepped forward her head snapped up and ...and her eyes were gone! Like out of the sockets. She had no tears either , just bloody streaks coming from her empty eye sockets.

I panicked and rain out into the open rain, the strom in full motion now. I gripped the wall outside for stability because I thought I would throw up.

I had to get away from this place.In the distance I saw somebody walking with an umbrella towards a vehicle. Almost falling I ran towards that person.

"hey ! HEEYYY! Can you give me a ride, my parents took the car and I ..

My words fell off because when that man , from the looks of it, turned around he also had eyeless socket on his faced.

 Beyond scared now so I ran the other way towards the forests. I still had my old tree house their and I couldnn't go back home.

After about a quater mile into the forests I got lost. I've never been lost inside the forests at the back of my house. NEVER. Crouching down I cried, I was so scared and terrified I didn't know what to do. Eventually my sobs stopped along with the rain and there I saw her. My sister Kim.

All of the things that happened last night collided into my brain. At this point me being scared was a HUGE understatement.

I looked at my sister , "Can you help me?" I cried.

Nodding her head I got up and walked side by side with my older sister into the forests.

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