Chapter 3

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So s/o to all of the loving fans, friends, and strangers even, who comment on my work. I've been away for a while , but hopefully now I can get things back up and running. This chapter may be short because for some reason even though it's 7 pages long in my notebook. Wattpad consider's it 1 page. How that irks me . -___- . Anywhoo (before I start cursing) ENJOY (: !


Walking next to my deceased sister, you would think I would be scared, but after the day I've had nothing seems real anymore.

"So I figure you've already started seeing things" Kim stated.

"What are they?" I asked.

"I really don't know, but around the same age as you, I started seeing 'them' too" Kim explained. I stopped.

"Uhh, is that why you-"

"died?" Kim finished. I nodded.

"No" she answered.

"Miranda, I didn't kill myself either you know...I was murdered".

For the love of everything right in this world, why was everything around me falling apart. I backed away from my sister. I know she committed suicide because she was unhappy, yeah that was what happened. Right/ Seeing the disbelief on my face Kim stared.

"Do you honestly I would kill myself ?" she exclaimed,

"I didn't think you could drugs but CLEARLY, I was mistaken" I shot back. I had hurt her feelings, because it was showing on her face. Then again, she hurt me more that ever in the most horrible way.

"I didn't overdose on pills, they were tainted, messed up somehow" Kim said.

"That didn't show up on your autopsy" I said.

"Ohhh really? Wow , now that's crazy" Kim sarcastically spat.

"Okay I get it," I said. If what she said was true, then my sister had been murdered all those years ago. It was a startling revelation.

"I think maybe that's why I'm stuck here on Earth, because whomever murdered me is still here, free" she explained.

"ah, that's really unfortunate but after the day I've had, my brain is lacking the whole deductive reasoning what do you want me to do about it?" I asked. My head was really starting to hurt.

"Well, you're like a ghost medium.... so "

"So...what? Just bec- WAIT a what , ghost medium? What the hell"\

"You can see things obviously others can't" Kim spoke.

"Yeah and those are called hallucinations" I said.

It was one thing to admit that I was crazy but another to actually believe in my crazy-ness. Most people tried to act normal, not me.

"I saw stuff too Miranda" Kim said.

"And you're point, this could be hereditary" I said.

By this time in our walk we made it the back of the house. I turned around to stare at the woods. After 3 minutes little things started to stare back at me. Then, a thick layer of mysterious fog exuded from the trees. I turned towards my sister and heavily sighed.

"Okay, w-what do I do".

That day I stood with my sister and asked a whole bunch of questions. The first: why did Kim started using drugs in the first place?

"Mostly I started using because I had gotten tired of being in you shadow, and NO, don't think this was because of you. It was because the way mom and dad treated me in regards to their perfect daughter; you" she said.

"I...I thought you didn't care" I said.

"After a while, I didn't but I had a limit to how much crap I could take. Then, to add on to the horrible-ness that was my life I started seeing things too, like you. At first I thought it was a side effect to the drugs that I was taking, but the one day I started to hear things . I laid off the drugs for about half a year and the images never went away" she said sadly.

"Do you think, maybe this runs in the family then?" I asked her.

" I would hope not" she answered.

If my parents knew about this, or felt this way and didn't say anything. That was unforgivable.

"Well, how do you suppose I find out who's responsible for you murder, it's been nearly 4 or 5 since your death?" I asked.

"True, but I doubt all of them have left. This area is a big spot for money" she said.

I nodded of course I knew that. Just because I was invisible doesn't mean I was stupid.

"Still those same people wouldn't just give out information to oh anybody" I said.

"I already thought about that".

"And.."I waited.

"You now, there are quite a few ghosts lying about in this neighborhood" Kim smiled.

"Very observant ghost" she added.

"No! no, no, no! I am no," I yelled.

I tried to back away to the side of the house, but my sister reappeared behind me. Stupid, ghost.

"I really think you can do this Miranda, you were always stronger than me".

"So uou want me to investigate a murder via..ghost?" I squeaked.

"In a sense, yes.. that is sort of the plan" she said.


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