Chapter 4

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Sehun's POV


Okay, did I miss something here? Why him? Why?!

Meh! Look on the bright side, I can annoy him whenever I want. I'll be able to see how he blows up everytime I annoy this brat. Priceless!

I don't know why but The last encounters I had with him has always been bickers and I just love it when he screams his head off at me

How his veins about to pop out of his forehead and his ears turns red!

"Why?! Have I angered the gods? Did I do something wrong?! Of all people why you?! O crap please help" he keeps screaming like a retarded person

Can he just shut his mouth for a second?! This brat ugh! Whatevs

I was about to walk away when he pulled me back and made me face him---I wish he didn't do that

We met gazes and for a second there I thought my world just stopped, his eyes puts sun in a shame its just so pretty and bright

And I felt something gone wild in my tummy and I hope it was the burrito I ate earlier but no I think its those butterfly thing that they talk about

I kept my cool act and managed to speak up. When did I became such a whimp?!

"What?" I said in my most manly way

"Try not to fool around or I'll cut your head off" then he walks away with his friends

At the corner of my eye, I saw this guy named Xiumin, one of that brat's friend. Throwing-- I don't know -some deathly daggers at me and I swear there's something going on in that worthless brain of his

Don't care.

The prof called us all in to explain the further details

I don't really pay attention to this kind of discussion but Luhan's words came flashing back at the back of my brain


Why would I even be sacred at him? I'm Oh Sehun for crying out loud


I don't know if its coincidental or intentional but my crew and the brat's crew are in the same group

So we are all 12, 12 members to be exact

They voted for Suho as the leader,

I don't like participating in this kind of mess, its just too childish or stressful? No. Not that its just so, ugh-- crowded

I was listening to them explaining stuffs and cruds, so I decided to just head out first they won't notice anyway and what do I care if they do

Better sleep back at my comfy bed in my apartment than spend my time listening to this morons all night

*From: Unknown


What the fuck?! What a creep! Jeez, guessing its just one of those 'fangirls'

When are they gonna get a life? But seriously! Once I get to know who sent this,

Say goodbye to sunshine coz you won't be seeing one anymore

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