Chopstick 1

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There some things in people that they often hide under the sheets.

No not a boner

Something deeper than that. Like a fetish or a deep dark secret. Or the certain strangeness to a girl named Fi.

Lets start somewhere in Fi's story.

Fi's first taste of adolescence was particularly normal.

She tried her best to fit in. Opened her ears to all the gossips and occasionally eavesdropped on unsuspecting victims.

If Fi was playing the first year of high school as an app. She would have aced it.

She knew she never belonged though. This story is quite different from all the love stories.

It doesn't end with a happily ever after

Not a tragic plot either

Because the ending is dependent on Fi's choices not the narrator.
the twists and turns here are not meant to surprise and shock but to do something else

I guess

The inner turmoilKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat