Checks 6

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It was the middle of the day and Fi looked at her watch.


Alsena came back the following day and told her he spent his entire day yesterday in his friends dorm room not leaving because of that "important activity"

He would often do this. Telling her he's busy staying in one place when it was obvious that he would hang out with other people.

He knew how easily Fi could be pushed around if you played your cards right.

And he played his cards right.

Fi, left alone with no one to be with unless Connor would be there.

"You want candy?" Connor asked

It would always be mentos though.

On days when Connor waits for Fi he would sometimes bring candy. He mostly gave her when she looked tired.

"Are you trying to pull a Pavlov on me?" Fi asked

"Not really, but i know how you love this. Besides this is our graduating year so everyone's kind of pressured, a little break might help

And with those words Fi graciously took the candy and ate it.

"Fi i was looking everywhere for you" Alsena said as he found her

Alsena took Fi and by the shoulders and hugger her tight, waved at Connor and left.

"What's with that guy following you all the time?" Alsena asked

"He's a friend, just someone i can hang out with"

"I don't like you hanging out with him" Alsena answered back sternly without even looking at her.

His grip around her shoulders tightened and Fi found it uncomfortable.

As they neared the dorm Fi noticed Alsena wasn't leaving.

"You staying?" Fi asked




Fi's first date was happening. She had picked her attire and now she was ready.

They were going to watch a movie together.

The usual happened anyway. They met, bought tickets then went inside the theater.

As the movie was nearing the middle part, Alsena held her hand. Fi looked at him. He looked at her.

And for a while there she thought that they would kiss.

5 minutes pass and his palms were getting sweatier and so was hers. So he did something she expected. Alsena tucked Fi's hair behind her ear and moved her face in his direction.

Fi stared at his eyes before he crashed his lips with hers.

The kiss was rough, as if it was looking for something. It felt like he was hungry.

This was nothing Fi had expected though. She expected it to be gentle and smooth not rough and needy.

But a kiss is a kiss.

Alsena walked Fi back to her house and he was still holding her hand.

Authors note

Idk man ugh sorry for grammar mistakes

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