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Chester hung out mainly with Michael while I happily played dolls with little Abby, who insisted that we were both princesses. I didn't mind hanging out with her, not that it would be possible to mind being around a little girl who seemed sweeter than cotton candy.

Dolls lasted for about an hour before she was hesitantly grabbing my hand and leading me over to the living room, where there were a bunch of boxes made up to be a maze of sorts. She went through first, and then I followed behind, getting lost a few times. It made her giggle whenever I'd run into a wall, and so after I learned my way around the maze, I started running into the walls on purpose.

But soon was the event that I was both dreading, and looking forward to. Chester checked his watch and made eye contact with me. I nodded and wrapped up my little play date with Abby, to which she started to pout. Michael looked at me with a curious expression.

"You must have some sort of superpower, because Abby doesn't take to just anyone," he said, and picked her up, before kissing her cheek.

I knew I was blushing as Chester practically shoved me out the door. If I didn't know we were heading to a meeting about Mabel, I probably wouldn't have left. The look Abby was giving me made me feel like I was abandoning her, and I had to make Chester promise that we would come back to visit her.

I stepped out on to the street and crossed my arms over my chest and walked alongside Chester. He checked his watch again before looking at me, "This is all your fault, Miss Kodi."

I'm pretty sure I gawked at him, "What's my fault?"

"We're late, we're late, for a very important date!" he said.

Chester grinned and grabbed onto my hand, before I knew it he was tugging my arm and we were both running down the road. By the time that we reached the meeting hall, my muscles were warmed up and ready to really go. Chester walked ahead and held open the door.

As I walked through the threshold Chester gave my shoulder a squeeze, and then followed behind me, letting the door fall shut. The hall had pews like a church, but it had been set up to resemble a court room of sorts. Mabel was seated in a chair up front, and about six people were off to the side, separate sides, they were likely the third party outsiders who would be helping to determine Mabel's fate.

I sat down next to Chester in the pew that was second to the front. People I'd never met before were walking around and talking in hushed tones, not wanting anyone to hear their opinion. I wondered if they were talking about Mabel, and if they were, what they would do in my situation.

Chester grabbed my hand at the same time that a bell was rang up front. Everyone started to take their seats and then an older lady stood up at the front, along with Doctor Venson. The lady had silver hairs mixed in with the vibrant red bob on top of her head. She seemed to have an air of authority about her, and as soon as everyone was seated she cleared her throat, making eye contact with a few people, putting them to silence with a tilt of her head.

I felt Chester lean closer, "That's Miss B, she's the person who's "in charge" of these sorts of things, she gets final say if the punishment chosen is rightful or needs to be rethought over."

I looked over at him as he leaned back, eyes up front like he hadn't just been talking out of turn. I focused back up front as well, and tuned into what Miss B was saying.

"... several people are going to be on trial today, and to better our understanding, and help along the decision of what is to be done, we'll have three people talk, one person who was present, one who the wrongdoing was done to- if there is anyone it was done to. And finally someone who has been around this person at different times to be a judge of character," the lady paused and folded her hands in front of her, she looked around the crowd and I swear her eyes lingered on me thoughtfully, "First up today is Miss Mabel."

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