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"Sara come down stairs now, it's time for your training" I sighed and looked in my miorr. Smirking I grabbed my brush. It was dawn I could tell by how the sunlight shown through the curtains. The door creeked open and in stepped Lilly. She walked over to the window and spread the curtains apart, making her look like she was glowing. "Wow your hairs a mess" she said through a yawn. I grinned, "Well your hair isn't any better." Giggling Lilly came over and gave me a hug. I hugged the six year old back, "Hey do you want to hang out in the garden this afternoon?" Nodding sleepily she walked out of the room. I looked through my closet to find my training cloths. After I changed I went down the stairs two at a time to see Lilly waiting for me. "Can I braid your hair?" the kind girl asked. Lilly had changed cloths too but she was wearing a dark blue dress with red roeses on it which actually went well with her long black hair. I bowed and she knew that ment yes. So after three minutes with her fiddling with my hair I was out side in the training arena. There where no other orphans hear to train with that's weird, I thought. Then I heard something, footsteps I whipped around and grinned, how had forgoten today is the day i get to battle against the boys, I was soo exited in the earlier days that was all I could think about because all the girls... Well weren't the best at fighting. I was startled from my thoughts by pounding of feet. They all had swords in their hands and they were charging at her yelling at the top of their lungs. Not very silent I laughed to my self. Running for the wepons tables I was disappointed to find that there weren't any weapons. Grunntimg in frustration I knew today would be a test to push the limits of fighting. Use your mind, I thought. Looking around I grinned i get it I have to use my suroundings, the tables. When I flipped the last one over with a grunt my opponents finally came charging through the doors. Ducking behind of of the tables I slipped and fell which knocked the wind out of me. While trying to get air back i heard one of the boys say in between laughs, "It looks like a big gust of wind came through and knocked all the tables over". I heard heard shuffling feet and whispering knowing they where trying to come up with a plan I tried to move closer. Taking short silent breaths I tried to listen in on their plan. I have to come up with my own plan, I keep saying over and over in my mined like something was just supposed to pop in there. It would take forever if i picked the boys of one by one, I thought shaking my head. So i have to try to get most of them in one corner where i had lines up the tables as a trap earlier. Reaching in my pocket I found a penny, holding my breath after I chunked it to the other side of the room where it hit a kid in the head. He feel down with a thump i had hit it in just the right spot so it knocked him out I actually kind of felt sorry for him. "John!" someone shouted and I heard running feet. "Well at least we know she is in hear" one boy said trying to be positive. "Yea but he is one of the best in this room with a sword" I could just imagine him glaring around the room looking for me. It was a good thing Lilly braided my hair or it would have been easier for the boys to see me since it would have been all frizzy, I thought smiling me and that girl had some sort of connection that I couldn't explain it was like we where destined to be together. Slowly and trying to be silent i peeked over the table ledge, the boys were right where I wanted them, by my trap. Slowly i crawled through the maze of tables trying to ignore the pain, till I was only a few feet away. This time i took of the bracelet that was rapped around my wrist and threw it in corner. It clicked against the wall so all the boys stop talking and made there way over to it. Smirking I knew I was ready. "Sara!" I heard my name and jerked around through the doors I saw Lilly. This is a trap, I thought but there weren't any boys around her. "Sara!" Lilly cried again and then that's when I realized she was upset. I got up and ran over to her I felt eyes watching me from behind. "Hey I'm done" I said over my shoulder to they boys that had been trying to sneak up on me. I heard them sigh and I rapped my arms around Lilly. "Hey what's wrong" I asked seeing her tears. I could tell she didn't want to tell me at the moment so I grabbed her hand and started to walk her to the garden. I weaved my way through the plants and creeks to the bench where Lilly and I always hangout. We say down and listened to the music of nature. The bubbling creeks and the chirping of the birds. Lilly sniffled, "Someone... Is hear to..." her sentence was never finished it was interrupted by her tears. No, I thought, no. "You can't be leaving," I started to cry too. A few minutes later we were feeding the birds and squirrels with the bag of seeds we always keep under the bench. "Well, who is taking you away from me" I asked trying to start conversation. "He calls himself Hadies...."

This is my first book so I would like if y'all won't out any rude coments. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and tell me if you have any suggestions for the story. Thanks for reading this chapter and I will be trying to update this story regularly so you won't be waiting too long and tell me if you enjoy this book thanks.
Oh and by the way please no copywriting

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