running through woods

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I had cleaned my self up and changed into elven cloths which were actually really comfortable. We had been given some gifts to help us on our journey. We gave are thanks and were about to head off when a voice said "We will come with you." Ivy and I turned to see Legolas and Veryan standing behind us dressed in elven cloths like us. They were both armed with weapons. I noticed he said it as a comand and not a question. "Ok" I said surprising myself. Ivy looked at me giving me a look. "What?! We need extra hands and weapons to help us!" I explained. Rolling her eyes Ivy said "Whatever" Smiling I walked over to the boys and told them "You can come" They nodded there thanks and walked over to Ivy I followed and took a last look at the beautiful elven city. "Come on!" one of the boys shouted at me. Turning around I sighed this would be an interesting journey. After wondering around a little we found our selfs deep inside the woods. The thick canopy of leaves blocked our veiew from the sky so we couldn't what time of day it was. I yawned and stretched Legolas turned around and said "I'll take first watch. Get some sleep." Nodding I sat down and made a pile of leaves to sleep on. Next to me Ivy was doing the same but she gestured for Veryan to lay down. He shook his head and layed down on the ground by the tree across from us. Sighing Ivy layed down, her eyes looking hurt before she closed them. I turned over to my back and tried to see through the leaves. Slowly the world got smaller and smaller till it was black. Opening my eyes I was back in the underworld. Gasping I looked around for Lilly but instead of seeing Lilly I saw another girl. The girl looked just like Lilly if I hadent known one of them I wouldn't of seen a difference. "Luna?" I said in more of a question. The girl nodded and spoke in a sweet soft voice "Lilly told me a lot about you" Smiling I walked over to the door and tried to push it open. "Sorry" Luna whispered "To you want to see Lilly?" Nodding my head Luna walked over snapped her fingers and the door rushed open. "Thanks" I whispered. Nodding she pointed to a room across the hall and the door slowly opened. "She's in there." Luna whispered. Slowly I walked across the hall to the slightly open door. I walked through and saw Lilly laying on a bed face down. "I don't want to help you go away" she said through her pillow muffling her words. "Ok" I said. She looked up and saw me. Her mouth dropped open and I embraced her in a hug. "Sorry I thought you were Haidies she said looking at me. "I know" Sitting down next to her I looked at the dress that she was wearing. It was black with silver streaks running down it. But the thing that most surprised me was that there was must by her feet. Seeing me looking at her feet Lilly said "Its creepy isn't it" I nodded. "So I was thinking that I would bring you hear every night, is that okay?" Lilly tilted her head. "Yea of course" I said smirking. "I'll show you around and you and Luna could get closer... wait did she bring you hear?" Laughing I nodded. "Its time to take you back." I have her a last hug and started to disenigrate. I opened eyes feeling like my insides were inside out. I could tell I hadn't been asleep for long because Legolas was still on watch and we trade every thirty minutes. I yawned and walked over to Legolas stretching. "You should g-" my words were cut off by a hand. Legolas looked worried. "Do you hear that" he whispered. I strained my ears to hear anything and I heard padding paws. Looking into Legolas's eyes I saw the same thing I was feeling fear. It felt like we where having a stare down until I felt my cheeks pinken. I looked away embaresed and tried to pick up the paws again. This time they where closer much closer. I'll go wake them up. I heard Legolas say but he didn't move is mouth. Nodding I listened more closely. It wasn't one wolf I could tell that by the patterns of the feet. My breaths started to speed up as the got closer and I could make out around eight wolfs. Bighting my lol I looked at Legolas he had waken Veryan up and was listening for the sounds. Veryan walked over to Ivy and was about to shake her awake but her hand stoped him. "I can wake my self up thanks" Ivy wispered. She walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Wolfs" she wispered. Nodding I croched down. Touching the ground I felt a vibration. "There close!" I yelped. "Run!" I grabed my bag and ran. Everyone else in my heals. I was slapped in the face by branches caiseing tears to well up in my eyes. Everything was a blur. I felt hands on my back pushing me further. All I could hear was yelling and my breath speeding up. There was a ear piercing howl. I felt a branch grab my cloak and I fell backwards. Screaming I saw everyone had passed me and were looking back. I felt heavy breathing on my legs and slowly looked down all around me I saw wolves. Sinking to my knees I knew that this was going to be my last moment. A tear went down my cheek and the world disapered beneath me.

Thank you soooo much for reading this chapter I had a lot of fun writing it. By the way Veryan is pronounced Very-an just like it sounds it also means brave. I hope you will keep reading my story and remember tell me if you want me to add something thanks!

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