11- Surprises

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The yellow fog moves quickly through the trees, quick enough to have me worrying that I won't be able to outrun it. In attempt to get away from the yellow fog, I hadn't realized I had run off in a different direction than Clarke, Finn, and Wells. The fog was fast and, with every glance over my shoulder, I became more and more worried about what it was.

My heart beats erractically in my chest as I race faster through the woods for some place to hide. There's nothing but woods. I'm so screwed.

"Clarke, what are we going to do?" I shout, searching around me for the blonde haired girl.

Panic really begins to set in when I see I'm surrounded by trees and nothing else. Where did they go? Realizing that I don't have time to worry about this, I push myself to run faster to get away.

With my head craned over my shoulder, terrified about the mystery yellow fog, I ran right into something hard, nearly falling over from the impact. A pair of arms reach out to my waist, stabilizing me before I can fall to the dirty ground. A loud scream floats out of my lips.


My scream cuts short when I see it's Bellamy. I gasp, almost thankful that I ran into him and not a Grounder. "Bellamy?"

Charlotte and Atom race past the two of us with worried looks.

Bellamy glances down at me with his hands still glued to my waist. Both of us stare off in the direction that the fog is gliding towards us. His right hand leaves my waist to grab my hand in his while he urges me forward with his left hand. "Come on!"

The two of us burst out into a run. With Bellamy's long legs and my great agility, we'ere able to bypass Atom and Charlotte with ease. I hold out my right hand to Charlotte, who quickly latches on to me.

"There are caves this way!" Bellamy shouts as we race through the trees.

The horn continues to bellow in the distance.

Bellamy's hand tightens around mine as we struggle to climb up a steep hill to get to safety. Charlotte is nearly pressed up against my side, clearly as scared as the rest of us. We finally reach the top of the hill. Thankfully, the caves are located only a few feet away. I quickly push Charlotte inside first before being ushered inside by Bellamy.

"Bellamy!" Atom shouts from somewhere behind us.

I push Charlotte further inside. Bellamy and I look behind us for where Atom went. He was right behind us. Where did he go? The yellow fog reaches us. My free hand flies up to cover my mouth when the fog burns my nostrils. I cough in slight pain. Bellamy shoves me inside once he hears me.

"Bellamy!" Atom shouts once more.

I squeeze my eyes shut for a second. We just left Atom out there in the fog. Maybe he'll find his own cave to hide out in. What if Finn, Clarke, and Wells didn't make it? No, I can't think like that. They have the seaweed that will save Jasper's life. They have to be okay.

Bellamy pushes me further into the cave, where the fog won't be able to get to us.

I lean back against the cool cave wall, breathing heavily. Bellamy falls back on the wall next to me. Charlotte found a rock on the ground to sit on and she's hunched over to catch her breath.

I turn my head to face Bellamy. "Tha- Thank you." I manage to breathe.

Bellamy weakily smiles. "No problem."

My legs slide out from underneath me and I slide down to the rocky ground. I'm slightly surprised to see Bellamy do the exact same thing until I realize we are still holding hands. I slide my hand out of his and place my hands on my thighs.

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