Chapter 6

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Lucys Pov

After that rude conversation with Luke. I pulled my phone from my pocket and log into Twitter and every other social media I have. I heard a noice from across the street and looked up. I saw that figure again. It was a guy with long curly hair. His pircing green eyes were starring at me. Our eyes met, and I imidiatly looked away. When I looked back at the direction were the guy was standing there was nobody . I grab my phone and got insaide. I was freaked out and curious at the same time. Who was hi? What did he want? Am I imagining this? AM I GOING INSAINE?? All this questions were going through my mind. I went insaide my mum was in the kitchen making dinner. My dad was nowhere to be found and my brother was watching something on the TV. I went upstairs into my room and  sat on the little sofa next to my window. The window was open and light wind was blowing, I put my headphones on and grab my sketchbook. I started to draw and I was lost in my own world. My world were I am feeling free. I don't know how much time have passed but my mums voice brought me back to reality.  

"Lucy the dinner is ready" 

"I'm coming"

I looked up at my drawing. I notice that I was drawing those eyes. Why am I so opssesed with them?? I rip of the drawing and tossed it into the trash bin and went to the dining room.

"Lucy how do you like  Luke?"

I looked over at my dad he was smiling at me.

"I don't like him. He is rude."

"Don't say that ."

"Mum he is an idiot "

"You should watch your language miss"

"Sorry dad but its true. "

The rest of the dinner was quiet. When we finised it was my turn to wash the dishes. As I winished with my duty . My brother came into the kitchen.

"Sis wanna go for a walk. Mum and dad are not letting me go alone. They say I am too young."

My little brother Christian is only 3 years smaller than me. That means that he is 16 and I don't know why they don't let him go alone. BUt maybe a little bit fresh air will clear my thoughts.

"Okay lets go" I grab my phone put my snickers on and went outside. We were walking down the street talking about how much we miss London. I didn't realized that there was someone standing in front of me until I bumped into it so hard that I amlost fall. 

"Sorry" I heard a deep voice with a british accent say. That made clear that I bumped into a guy. Stupid and goofy me.   

"Don't worry its my fault." I looked up and met with pair of green eyes. They were familiar like I've seen them before. He smiled and turned around. OMG that was the guy that earlier today  was starring at me. I turn around to see him but he was nowhere to be found. How does he disappear like that.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am lets go home. "


We went back home. I took a quick shower and went to bed I fall asleep still thinking about that guy.

Christian Pov

All day I was watching Tv or playing video games and I am getting pretty much bored. Home at England I had friends we will go outsaide and hang out. But here I have nobody I hope that soon I'll find someone to hang out, or I'll go insaine. In the morning the new neighboors came to visit us. I was sleeping and  when I woke up they were leaving. My sister was outside, dad went to the store to by some supplies for home and mum was making dinner. I didn't have anything else to do so I turned on the TV and watched some documentary about Penquins. Not long after that my sister got insaide and headed straight to her room. After an hour watching some boring Tv shows mum called us for dinner. I sat on my spot and not longer after me Lucy came downstairs. 

"Lucy how do you like Luke?"  Dad asked  Lucy with a smile. I looked over at her and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't like him. He is rude."  The hate is clear in her voice. What did he do so she can hate him that much? 

"Don't say that ." 

 "Mum he is an idiot " Mum and dad both looked at her with frown on their faces.

"You should watch your language miss" 

 "Sorry dad but its true. " She apologized and the rest of the dinner was silent. Lucy cleared the table and went into the kitchen so she can wash the dishes.

"Mum can I go outside for a walk. I'm getting bored in here?"

"No. You are young. You will get lost or something. This is a new town. You don't know the streets or the people. "

"But mum please" I begged I need to get out from this house. I need some air.

"You can go. But..."

"But what?"

"Your sister will come with you."

"Okay I'll ask her." Better something than nothing. I headed towards the kitchen and Lucy was finishing the dishes.

"Sis wanna go for a walk? Mum and dad are not letting me go alone. They say I am too young."  

"Okay lets go" She agreed we put on our shoes and went outside. We talked about how much we miss London and our friends there. That is when she bumped into someone. 

"Sorry" The guys said. He had a British accent. 

"Don't worry its my fault."  They stare into each other. The guys smiled and went away. After a minute or so she turned around. I think she was searching for the guy. She looked worried.  

"Are you okay?"  I asked her she looked at me and smiled.  

"Yeah I am lets go home. "  

"Okay"  After that I didn't say a word. We got home she went into her room I went  in mine. I chatted a little with my friends in London and then went to sleep. 



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