Letting go

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*Edmund's POV*

I woke up with a sound of a horn.What the?

"Ed..Wake up now..King Harold is here."Said Lucy.

I quickly stood up and went outside.

"High king Peter...We're here to declare war against Telmarines and Narnians."Said King Harold.

"I fought for the Narnians so I can handle the Telmarines but you...You wasted it."Said Caspian.

But that King just laughed.

"Do you really fought for Narnians or for you revenge?"Said King Harold.

"Go now with your army."Said Caspian.

"Alright we'll go. But who's this beautiful young lady."He said while walking to Paige.

I held my sword but Lucy stopped me.

"I'm P-Paige."She said.

"I want this girl."Said King Harold.

Peter is looking around probably looking for me.When he met my gaze he nod at me telling me to come out.I walked to Peter still holding my sword.

"We need to give,Paige."He whispered.

"No!"I whispered-shout.

"We'll get her soon,OK?"He whispered again.

I can't let her go...My mind is clouded..I have no idea.

"Bring her."Said Peter.

I was about so say no when my body froze..Why?

"Don't touch me!"Said Paige.

But one of the guard carried her away.

"Edmund!"she yelled.

"Edmund,Help me!"She yelled again.

"Paige!"I tried to shout but no words came out.

"Alright..Thank you for the young girl. We have another Slave now and see you in the battle."He said while going inside the carriage then left.

When they're out of sight.I Kneel down in the grass.I failed her again...I tried to keep my tears,I ran in the river and start crying.

"I'm so sorry.."I said.

Then I heard someone sobbing behind me.

"Sorry,Ed."Said Lucy.

She sat beside me and start crying.I'm a stupid king..

*Paige's POV*

We arrived to the castle then they threw me in a Jail-like room.I was crying like crazy. Why didn't Edmund help me? 

"Alright now woman..Change clothes. You'll meet the king."Said another guard the start laughing.

I change clothes and they sent me to the king.

"Strip down."He said.

I didn't move.

"I said Strip!"He yelled.

I took my clothes off and started crying.

"Very good."He said.

He walked in front of me and pinned me in the wall,forcefully then start kissing me.It was rough not like the kiss Edmund gave to me.He slaps me making me fall in the floor.

"Tell me what are those kings and queens doing?"He said.

"I won't betray my friends just like what you did to King Caspian's Uncle."I said.

He slapped me again making my lips bleed then he punched me then beat me until i'm unconscious. Edmund help me.

*Edmund's POV*

"Go now eat your food."Said Peter.

"I can't."I said,weakly.

"Why is she so special to you?!"Yelled Peter.

"Cause I love her!"I yelled back.

"You know nothing about love! You're only sixteen!"He yelled.

I remain silent.

"You're unfocus! Everyone here is trying to help this whole kingdom while you flirting around with that girl."He said.

"No one understands me since the start!"I yelled again.

I stood up and went to our tent.I sat there trying to stop my tears.

"Ed?"Said Susan.

"Go away!"I yelled.

She sat beside me and hugged me.

"We'll bring her back.I promise."She said.

I fell inlove with a stupid king [Edmund Pevensie Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now