April 16, 2013 (6:30pm)

13 1 0

Oh my goodness! It's been months and months of waiting and camp is almost here! Just 2 more months and I'm out of this place! :) I'm finally going to Georgia. I have informed a ton of people already. (I know...I'm obsessed.) Not only am I going to my second home, I'm also seeing friends and the guy I like. I can't wait to see them all. I know what your thinking..."a diary? Why the heck would you put up your personal diary online?".Well, yes and no. I won't get to personal on this...at least I won't try to.

School was okay today. We didn't do too much because of FCATs. I have to take my reading one next week. Meh. Luckily, I also didn't have a lot of homework so I got to go swimming (which means summer is coming MUCH closer.) I'm entering all this stuff on my phone so if I make any errors, don't mind it. I'm not perfect.

I gotta go finish my other story on wattpad so I'll probably post tomorrow. Have a good night guys! :)

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