April 24, 2013 10:00pm

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So at school I found out we are having our "special" class tommorow. And yes, it is something negative. I was texting my friend Taylor about it and this is kinda how it went (and this is not meant to be racist In any way I love Chinese people a lot):

Me ✌: I have $ex Ed tommorow

Tay ❤: Lol hahahaha XD I don't have that till the end of the year

Me ✌:We were supposed to have it near the end of year 2 but they r Doing it earlier

Tay ❤: Hahaha

Me ✌: Ill tell you everything ha

Tay ❤: Kk " cause I no nothing " (sarcasm)

Me ✌:Haha same here cuz "I also know nothing" (sarcasm) lol

Tay ❤: Hahahahahahahahahaha zayn hahahahahahahahaha Harry hahahahahahahahaha Liam

Hahahahahahahahaha Louis

Hahahahahahahahaha niall

Me ✌: Hahahaahhaa

Zayn is sexy


Louis is my carrot


Niall is sexy


Liam is daddy directioner


Harry has curls for da girls

Me✌: I drew a Chinese guy earlier -_-

Tay ❤: Ha

Me ✌: I no kidding though I really did And he had a long mustache

Tay ❤: #this is y we r friends

Me ✌: #nokiddingbro XD

And a few hastags later...

Me ✌: #whyrwehastaggingeverything

Tay ❤: #causewerweird #wewhentoverthis

So this is what we pretty much do when we text (we also send random emojis). And this is why she is like my BFFFL (best friend for freaking life). ❤✌ I love her so much and I can't wait to be with her for a whole 6 weeks in a row.

2 Months Til' SummerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon