5 reasons why I hate travelling by plane

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reasons why or what I hate travelling on a plane:

• turbulence (I don't know if it's called the same thing in America) I remember being on a flight and I was drinking some of my sprite, then turbulance struck and it spilt down me. the turbulance was pretty bad on that flight though.

• the mother that can never get her baby to shut up. when i was 10 (it was the sprite trip as well) we were going to Disney in Florida and universal, of course the mother can't shut their screaming child up.

• the toilet hogger aka the person that decides to go right when I have given up trying to hold in so I don't need to use the planes toilet. Yet when they get on the toilet they spend half and hour trying to zip up their jeans or something.

• the kicker, yanno that annoying 6 year old boy that kicks the back of your seat but you're too polite to turn around and tell the parent. Those kids just piss me off it doesn't need explaining.

• the 'food'. the only time i have ever had proper aeroplane food was when I went to America but the toasted sandwiches have crusts made of cardboard and the breads always soggy. don't get me started on the 'luxury' breakfast.

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