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I was just thinking yesterday that after I took this account over I haven't wrote an actual story. I came up with a few dance moms fanfiction ideas and I want you to tell me which one to write or none at all:

a. the ultimate guide to become the worlds best thief * kkv

b. popcorn * nsf 

c. pity party * mfz

d. 3 words, 8 letters, I love you * mnz 

e. focus * mfz

f. stop texting me * kbh 

g. smoke * Keb

h. study dates * cel 

i. makeup bag *  bar 

Sorry for throwing these all on you but you can choose three you want me to write and I will pick out the favourite.

Do NOT use any of these titles/ideas, if you do you will be reported and idk if you can block on here but if you can I'll do that. 


What I'm Actually ThinkingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora