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    Everything was spinning. I couldn't breathe. Everyone said it was just the flu. That it would clear up in a week or so. It hasn't even been two days! I stopped and started to panic as my airway started to close. The FLU wouldn't DO this! I thought, grabbing at my throat, trying desperately to unblock it. 

    "Please...help-" I tried to scream out but no one was in the house. My parents had gone to work - thinking I would just sleep THIS off. I thought so too! I stumbled and fell in the living room, trying to get to the phone, to call for help, but I could see black. At the sides of my vision it was turning black. It was enveloping everything. 

    I fell and knew that it was no use. The phone was in the kitchen, a full 40 feet from where I was. I was already about to pass out from lack of oxygen and couldn't do anything to stop it. I fell to the floor in front of the couch as the rest of my vision blacked out and I lost consciousness. Little did I know that I would never wake up. 

OUTBREAK - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now