chapter 1

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June 21. The last day of school. I was putting my books away in my locker when Brandon came over and scared me from behind. He wrapped his arms around my neck and held me. It was short but sweet and thats what I love about him. He gives me moments like that.
My name is Cali. Cali Victoria. My parents are Tyler and Stella Victoria. You may have heard of them before, my dad is a famous surfer. He sponsors Billabong and Hurley and many other surfing brands. Anyways, I am 15 years old and I go to Malibu High School in California. I am a freshman but i am going to be a sophomore next year.
Brandon stood there holding me for a few seconds after he stopped to stand in front of me with a small jewelry box in his hands. He smirked and then handed me the box. "For my one and only beautiful Sophomore." he said. "Awe! Thanks babe." I opened the box to find a small "C" charm on the cute silver necklace. "I love it!!" I said. "I knew you would." said Brandon. He kissed me on the cheek knowing that if he kissed me on the lips we would get in trouble by the number 1 tattle-tale in the school. Bridget White. Ugh, she was Principal Weller's eyes. Anyways, Brandon hugged me and picked me up and spun me around. "I love this boy." I thought to myself. He is the one. Listen, we might be 15 but that can't keep us apart. We still love each other.

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