chapter 4

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Kaciii POV
-4months later-
yasss , a bitch birthday in 2 weeks . chris has been spoiling me rotten . me and the fuckin crackhead (mom) talked . she think im just about to accept her back in my life . karlie lives back with her but thats changing becuss im taking that bitch to court . i cant fuckin do this shit no more . she said if i dont snitch on her i can taje karlie whenever and i agreed but tuhh i lied . she still letting that nigga beat her and i tried to help her again but she wanted to remain his lil hoe . i dont kno why it took this long for me to kno this shit . im doing good in school . alot of bitches hate that me and chris together but idgaf 😐 . yess im still a virgin - my cherry hasnt been popped but if it happen with chris it just happens . its been snowing ( december) . ughhh . i got up outa chris arms and put on a hoodie with my spandex shorts . i grabbed my ugg house boots and went to turn up the thermostat ( heater) . i went to go do my hygene and i did my hair into a cute but messy bun showing my few highlights . i climbed ontop of chris and he woke up . "goodmorning baby" " gm bae " he tried to kiss me but i ducked " nigga go brush ur teeth " he sucked his teeth and got up . i heard water running in the bathroom . i walked in thinking he was bouta brush his teeth but i saw him with a towel wrapped around his waste . goooodddd that pack of his 😭 wheeee w. i just stared .
i saw him look at me for a while and he just smirked . " u tryna get in or what "
i hesitated for a moment but then i was like why not .... but i didnt want him to kno i was coming . "no im good " he said ok and got in . i walked out and went to strip . i came back in the bathroom slowly and took my schrunchie off and put it on my wrist . i hopped in with him and he jumped . i laughed . " u scarred the shit outa me gurl " " i see" he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me . i knew from there what was about to happen . he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his torso . ( he has hella tattoos on his chest and arms ) we looked each other in the eyes . his eyes were brown like mine. my nipples were on rock hard . he started suckin on my tities and then he stopped . " i know you a virgin shawty , ima be gentle , i promise " i just nodded and he stepped out the shower while i was still onto him . he took us back to a extra room and closed the door . he layed me down while kissing me to my neck to my stomach to my thighs . he opened my legs and started lickin  my clit. i was biting my lip trying not to moan but i cudnt no more cuss he was on one of my hotspots . i was moaning until i felt myself cum. he kept going and i came again . he came up to my face and kissed me . he wrapped my legs arond his waist as he positioned hiself at my entrance .
i slowly entered her and she started crying . i still went in and she put her arns around my neck lookin into my eyes . ik she was hurting but i was gone get it over with . i pushed my dick into her a lil more until i was in even though i cudnt fit the rest . i started going a lil faster . she was moaning and we started kissing . we had a tongue battle of course i won . i slid in and out . " fuuck chris" i was at this point ready to cum . i pulled out and nutted on her stomach she just watched . next thing you kno i feel her turn me over . she got ontop . she grabbed my dick and slowly put it in her . she started riding . to be a virgin she was getting down . she had a nigga groaning . "fuck " i came in her . i didnt mean to but i doubt she'll get pregnant . she was moaning and i played with her nipples and she came . she collpsed onto my chest . i held her waist as she fell asleep 🔐. i got up and took a shower . i put on a white clean tee , some khaki joggers , and my white and red 11's. i drove to the trap house . (45minute away from the house) . i played with my napp haircut for a minute . i walked into the trap and saw jay , trey , nate and jermaine . " wassup nigga " all them dapped me . " "!chillan , but look . we gotta run to make in a minute ".we strapped up and packed the gas fluid . i went to my office room and saw keisha .one of my hoes . this was  the thirsty ones . " heey ba-" i cutt her sentence off . "look bitch , i aint fwu rn so get tf out my office " she starred at ne and she tried to undo my pants . i pushed her off me and i dont hit women but this bitch was testing me . "Snake" i called one of ny guards to get this bitch " he took her then i went to see the boys already ready . we drove to the house an hour away . we surrounded by the house i let down my black hoodie abd put my mask on . i bursted through the door and we shot a few niggas and took the stashes of drugs and money . i poured the gasoline all around the house . i threw a match and watched that bitch burn .
kaciii POV
i woke up to an empty bed . i called chris name what seemed like a million times and got no response . i called him and didnt get no answer . i texted him and guess what i got .... NOTHING.  i re -ran the thought of a few hours ago . we had sex . speaking of sex - he put it down like im sore asf . did he even use a condom ... wait where tf is he at . he couldve at least told me he was leaving . maybe i wasnt good  enough . he probably just wanted sex from me . i looked at my phone and it was 2:11 a.m
, i bursted out into tears and my breathing started to getheavy . he probably fuckin a bitch right now . u kno what fuck it . this is why i dont fw relationships . i got up and started packing all my shit . i heard the door downstairs shut and i heard snores . i grabbed my bag abd left . i sat in my car and drove to a hotel . i texted karlie and she said she convinced mom to unfreeze my accounts.  i sat in embassy suites lot crying into my hands . i limped to the desk and i got my room . i took a shower and washed my hair tying it into a messy high ponytail . i had no missed calls no messages no voicemails . i guess im single AGAIN 😷😪. its now 4:17am and i got school tomorrow . its monday 😩. i have to see chris . i cried myself to sleep .

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