Goodbye Home

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Jun-Ha Lee-younger identical twin brother to Jun-Ho of 2pm-except with blue eyes

Jun-Ho Lee-older identical twin brother to Jun-Ha of 2pm-except with brown eyes

All of 2pm:

Jun-Ho Lee

Jun-su Kim (leader)

Nickhun Horvejkul

Taecyeon Ok

Wooyoung Jang

Changsung Hwang

Members of the group MXis:

Jun-Ha Lee (leader)

Young-Jae Sul (Sun)

Dong-Yul Chola (Yul)

Hyun-Seul Kim (Hyun)


Chapter 1

Diary entry #1

My alarm went off just as I had woken up this morning. I have always hated loud sounds so today was going to be a pretty big day for me. It was 4:30 in the morning and I am going to be on an airplane in exactly one hour and thirty minutes. I am going to South Korea, to see family and to become the leader of the newest boy group MXis. YAY! Not really, I hope everything goes well today. *fingers crossed* Ha-ha, yeah, no.

-Jun-Ha Lee

"Jun-Ha did you call Jun-Ho? He's very worried about you at the moment. He's afraid you are going to hyperventilate on the plane." My aunt yelled to me at the bottom of the stairs. Mentally I was now beating myself up. I knew my brother was very worried. I had promised to call him as soon as I woke up. I picked up my phone on my window sill. 20 missed calls from Jun-Ho Oppa. Shit. I dialed his number and waited for the answer. I didn't wait long at all because within the second ring he picked up the phone. (The following conversation is in Korean)


"Ah, Oppa sorry for not calling, I just woke up."

"No, no it's my fault I was freaking out a bit. Ha-ha, I just wanted to make sure you take your medicine. The boys are very excited to be able to finally meet yo..."

Suddenly a sleepy voice interrupted his.

"Yeah, hurry and get here. He can't stop fretting over you. Oh and hey Jun-ha!"

"Ha-ha, thanks Jun-Su oppa. Keep him calm for me okay. I'll be there later in the afternoon."

"Alright, I can't wait to officially meet you. Bye!"

"I'm not fretting by the way; I just wanted to make sure you get here safely. I also wanted to warn you about the crowd of news reporters and cameras that are already waiting for you at the airport."

"Who told them about me coming to Korea?"

"I don't really know who did, probably MXis's manager. You know how he is, he gets way too excited. You should already know this but your three other members will also be there. Also the boys and I will be waiting for you once you get off of the plane. You shouldn't have any trouble finding us, believe me when I say you won't have a problem."

"Alright Oppa I will see you when I get there. Thank you for the worry, and sarrang-hae!"

I hung up the phone and sat it on my desk. It was now 5:25, which means it was time to go. Yee-mo was in the kitchen getting our breakfast ready and already in her work clothes. I never really thought of how my aunt looks before now. She had silky dirty blonde hair with fair skin that was tanned by the California sun. Her eyes the same color as the morning sky, blue with hints of white. She diffidently was very pretty. And I was going to miss her and Uncle dearly.

"Yee-mo... I have always loved being here with you and Sam-chon. Now I have to go back to my Umma, Appa, and Oppa...I..." I couldn't get my sentence out for tears had started to fall. While I had said the few words I had said Yee-mo had stopped what she was doing and looked at me. Tears had glistened in her eyes and a sad yet sweet smile was on her lips. "My son, I will miss you dearly. I have always thought of you as my son. I'm so very proud of you and your accomplishments here and in Korea. Now I have to let you go which is just as hard for me. Be good to your mother, father and your brother. Take your medicine and get your weekly cheek-ups. You know what to do. And I will always love you, no matter what you do or say." With that she hugged me with strong arms and gave me several kisses. She then handed me the bags with the breakfast she made to me. With one last look at my aunt, who had turned back to her cooking with tears streaming down her face, I took my suitcases toward the door and walked out knowing that if I looked back I would never leave. I shut the door and walked down the hall to the elevator. Never, not even once looking back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey guys this is my new story. I have one on its I believe 8th chapter at the moment. It's called Sanctum. This is my first one with people whom are actually real. If you like it please vote thanks. :)

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