Holden P.O.V

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I didn't know what to say to liv when she told me that she was wrong and that the song was written about me but I was also late to one of my mom's party so I had to leave when I got home my mom told me to get ready when I was done getting ready my mom said "oh I invited the rooney's so I could get to know them so be nice." "Mom I like the rooney's I go to school with them after all." I replied "oh holden did you invite Andi." She asked "mom didn't you see on nimbus at night that we broke up."I replied "oh honey I'm sorry, but could you and your band play song tonight." My mom asked "ok I'll ask them."I texted the band to ask them

Group chat
Holden-would you guys want to play a gig at my mom's masquerade party?
Liv-uh duh
Willow-that would be awesome
Andi-that would be pretty cool do we wear something nice
Holden-yes and what song
Andi-you and liv should sing true love and a duet
Holden -I don't mind what do you say liv?
Liv-yeah sure why not

"Mom I asked them and they said yes."I told her "holden that's amazing thank you."

Liv P.O.V

When I got home I heard maddie playing basketball I went to go talk to her. I saw that she had a upset look on her face " Maddie is something wrong?"I asked her "No nothing is wrong except today I was at school and diggie comes up to me and started talking to me like nothing ever happened like he didn't break up with me and I'm mad because as much as I want to fight it I still like him and I hate myself because of it." After she finished her little hate fest she sat down on the ground,I sat next to her and said "Look diggie is an idiot he broke up with you for no reason if you haven't noticed he is still here I think that after the break up he thought for a long time and noticed that you were right." "Thanks liv so what did Andi say about you and holden?" She asked "Well she said yes he gave me no answer." "Oh liv I'm so sorry." She said

After that we just comfort each other then our mom can out "girls I have great news we were invited to Cindy dippledorf masquerade ball." She said I got up with excitement "oh I love masquerade party's the misery is just so fun." I told them "Yeah it sounds pretty cool." Maddie said. After that my mom told us to go upstairs and get ready, maddie and I got out the dresses we wore for prom but I wore Maddie's dress and she wore mine I got two masks out and handed her one and we were ready.

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