Chapter 4

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Elixir panicked. How were they going to get out? There was no way! Wat, but her chains were glowing green, and they were melting. She waited a little bit longer, and they broke. She rushed over to Dawn, and broke her chains, too.
"How-" Dawn was cut off.
"No time to explain, let's go!" Elixir whispered.
They rushed out. The cave was dark, lit by nothing, but Elixir felt around, and found a glowing rock. She held it up, and they walked. Elixir didn't know the tunnels at all, so she was going on instinct. They came to a room, which Elixir felt a pulse of energy come from.
"We need to go in here, do you feel that energy?" She asked
"Yes, that is strange, we definitely need to go in there, it may be Burn's secret weapon, for all we know." Dawn told Elixir.
So they went into the room, and there was a SandWing. He was laying down, gasping for breath, and looking nervously around.
"W-who are you?" He asked shakily.
"We're trying to escape, do you know the way out? Who are you? Why did we feel power radiating from this room? Are you the reason?" They both pelted him with questions.
"S-Slow down! I don't know the way out, so p-please, don't get me into any trouble, my name is Condor, and yes, I am the reason you felt power radiating from this room, because...." He hesitated, and took a breath. "I'm an Animus."

Sorry, it's so short, but I need to end it on this cliffhanger! Sorry! The next chapter is coming soon!

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