Per una migliore me - For a better me (Part 1)

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* Start of Canon *


"It's Reborn, looks like you were called up by the old man again.", a man with a scar over his eye and a cigaret comments as a fedora wearing figure enter the bar.

"Must be tough being popular, going to Roma next? Venezia?", another questions.

"Giaponne.", a high, squeaky voice answers calmly.

The two's eyes widen.


"The old man must've finally made up his mind!"

"Looks like it's going to be a long journey...", the high voice, the fedora wearing figure remarks.


Namimori, Japan

"Tsuna, pass!", a boy shouts at the brunette.


Tsuna turns around, resulting in a ball to his face.

His team groaned, and Yuki, who had been watching from the door, face palmed before leaving.

"I-ittai!", he yelps.

"Sigh..not again..", his teammates groaned.

"It's your fault we lost you know!", they shouted.

"G-Gomen..", he quietly apologises.

"So you can do our cleaning then!", a boy, Mochida smirks. Shoving a broom to him before turning to leave.

"W-wait!", he calls out after them.

"We're counting on you! Dame-Tsuna!", they mocked.

"Where do you think you're going?", a voice echoes through the gym.

"Y-yu-chan!", Tsuna sighs in relief.

"We're just leaving, since Dame - Tsuna agreed to clean for us..", Mochida arrogantly scoffs. Before being elbowed by one of his friends.

"Dude! Are you crazy! That Kumo Yuki! Dame-Tsuna's only friend and the DC secretary!", he whispers/shouts. Causing the boys to gulp nervously.

"Is that so?", Yuki arches an eyebrow, causing them to sweat even more.

They nod frantically.

"Tell me herbivores, how many are required to clean the gym after use?", she calmly asks.

"A-at least s-six..", one boy stutters.

Tsuna gulps in fear. Yuki never calls people that... unless she was pissed.. they're doomed.

She glares at them.

"Then tell me, why are you leaving Tsuna to do it by.him.self? You're breaking the rules, herbivores.", she narrows her eyes. Causing them to frantically turn around and start helping Tsuna, while they sent hateful glares his way.

"Y-Yuki, t-they don't need to help...I can do it myself...", he attempts to placate his angry friend.

She scoffs.

"Yeah right Tsunayoshi. Now hurry up and finish this before Kyoya comes here looking for me.", she calmly watches the group frantically work until they finish, before letting them go.

"I expect you to follow the rules, you too, Tsunayoshi...or I'll send you to hell.", she frowns at her childhood friend, sending another sweep of her ice cold glare before turning around and leaving.

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