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It was Saturday, and I had been awake for two hours. My mom had left a note explaining where she was, at work. Again. She wasn't supposed to work weekends but she did often. She usually traded weekend shifts for like Mondays and Wednesdays or something. My dad told me why when I was little. So she didn't have to see me.

My dad wasn't in my life anymore. Kinda sucked.

I was horny so I texted Luke. "Hey daddy" I said. "Hello princess." He responded. I blushed. "Wanna Skype later?" He suggested. "Yes omf" i answered. "Yaaayyy" he responded. I smiled.

"Daddy?" I asked. "Yes baby?" He said. I told him my issue and he helped me just like we did yesterday. When i finished and told him that I was done, he sent a smily face.

"Good boy kitten" he responded. I sent a smily face. "So how was school michael?" He asked. I shurgged, forgetting he couldn't see me. "Okay I guess" i sent back.

We talked about our days for a while before my mom got home and came I'm my room. "Here" she threw money at me. "I'm not a stripper" i sassed.

"Get some food" she said, ignoring my sassy comment. I wasted sass. "What do you want?" I asked. "I don't care" she answered before walking out. I called Dominos and had them deliver pizza. I wasn't really hungry though.

As i sat in bed, Nacho jumped up with me. "Hey little guy" i cooed. He licked my face and i smiled. He cuddled up on my stomach and i pet him until the pizza got there. I got it and put it on the counter. I took a piece and went to my room. I gave the crust to Nacho since he liked them and I didn't. He loved pizza crust.


"You really like Nacho, don't you?" Luke asked one day. "Yeah. Why?" I asked. "You talk about him a lot. Him and your best friend. Calum?" He explained. "Oh. Sorry. And yeah its Calum." I answered.

"Don't be sorry Michael. Its adorable. And yaaayyy" he answered. I smiled. We didnt stop talking much the last few days. Just when one of us fell asleep or got busy.


My Skype went off and I smiled, seeing Luke's name pop up. I hit answer and immediately saw his face. He was so gorgeous. "Hello" he said. "Hi" I shyly answered. He smiled. "You're adorable " he told me. I shook my head. "I'm not adorable." I argued. "You are. Like a little kitten" he said, smiling to himself. I blushed.

Guys sorry its so short but you guys deserve an update

Sorry I've just been upset lately. I'll try to make the next update longer and better.

I love you guys

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