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(Guys don't hate me because I skipped so much time I'm not even sorry. Okay I kind of am but oh well. This'll be a long update. Love you xx)

My concert was the next day, and I was excited. I hadn't gotten a text from Luke in a week. We had grown apart a lot lately, texting less and less.

I had grown a lot closer to Ashton however. He was my second best friend, my first of course being Calum. Nobody would ever be as close to me as Calum. Ever. He was my bestest best friend. I loved him so much.

Ashton would keep saying how bad he wanted to meet me. He would say how much he wanted to see me face to face. He'd tell me how much he wanted to hug me and kiss me like he always wanted to.

I forgot to mention that me and Ashton had been dating for almost three weeks. I kinda sorta fell in love with him and I decided to admit it. Three weeks ago tomorrow.

He said he'd always had a thing for me and he asked me to be his. I happily agreed and called Luke, ecstatically telling him the news. That's about the time we started drifting apart. And now we hadn't talked in a week.

Nacho came and curled up in my lap. I pet the small dog, smiling when he licked my hand. "Hey nacho." I said. My phone lit up with a notification, a text. From Ashton.

"Its been three weeks tomorrow! I love you so so much Michael." It said. "I love you so much too Ashton." I answered. He sent a few hearts so i sent some back.

I was happy. Truly happy.

My mom came in and sighed. "Order pizza" she said before walking back out. I sighed and picked up my phone, calling pizza hut and ordering a cheese pizza.

My face time went off and I saw it was Ashton, a smile spreading across my face as I answered. His gorgeous face was there. "Hi!" He exclaimed. "Hiiii!" I smiled. He smiled back.

"You're so adorable." He said. I shook my head. "No I'm not." I disagreed. He sighed. "You really are" he argued. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. What are you doing?" I asked. He shrugged. "Getting ready." He said. "For whaaatt" I asked, making him giggle. I smiled. "I gotta go to the store." He sighed. "Ew" I replied, making him giggle.

"Yeah I know. I don't wanna get up." He said. I smiled. "Then don't." I shrugged. "I have to." He groaned. "Why?" I asked. He smiled. "I need cupcakes." He answered. I nodded. "That's a good enough reason I guess." I decided. He giggled again. He was so fucking cute. "Maybe" he said. I smiled.

"I need to meet you. Face to face." He suddenly said. I sighed. "Yeah, me too." I replied. "Maybe like in a month?" He suggested. My face lit up. "Yeah!" I exclaimed. "Yay! 30 days and I get to see my baby" he smiled. I smiled back. "I can't waiiittt" I whined. He smiled. "Me either." He sighed.

"And I'll hug you really tight and kiss you and just like, I don't know I'll die" he said. I smiled. "Aww" I said, blushing a little. "Seriously. And like I'll pick you up and hold you super close." He said. I smiled. "And we have to go do stuff." He continued. I giggled. "Yeah, that'd be nice." I answered. "I can't wait." He said. "Me either." I answered.

"Babe I gotta go. I have stuff to do. I'm sorry. I'll call you in the morning, okay? Or later tonight..." He said. "Okay." I agreed. "I love you so fucking much." He said. "I love you so fucking much too" I answered. "Bye" he said. "Bye" I replied before he hung up.

I laid back on my bed with a sigh. I loved Ashton so much. I needed to meet him as soon as possible. But I had to wait a whole month. I knew that as soon as I saw him, I was gonna literally run up to him, hug him super tight, and probably cry. I loved him so much.


The next morning, I almost squealed. It was the day of my All Time Low concert. Finally. I had about 9 hours. I took a shower, purposely taking a while and succeeded in wasting an hour. 8 hours left.

I ate some pancakes and went into my bathroom, I had to leave two hours early. It was a 30 minute drive but I wanted to be early so...

7 and a half hours until my concert, so I had 5 and a half hours to get ready. Easy. I brushed my teeth and styled my hair in its usual way, putting extra spray in it so it would stay the whole time. I sighed. I'd finish getting ready later. I still had a while. 5 hours, so yeah. I sat on my bed, seeing a text from Luke.

My heart skipped a beat as I opened it. "Have fun at your concert. I love you x" it said. "Thanks xx" I answered.

I know he "loved me" but I didn't think he really did. Of course he didn't. How could he? How could anyone? I still doubted Ashton did a little bit.

"I hope you enjoy the concert babe" was the text from Ashton I got a few minutes later. "Thanks x" I answered. He sent a smily face. "Wanna face time?" He asked. "Yesss" I responded, my face time going off a minute later.

"Hey babe!" He said. "Hi!" I answered. "What's up?" He asked. "I'm getting ready" I smiled. "Nice. Are you excited?" He asked. "Yeah" I answered. He smiled. "You're so cute" he commented. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not cute I'm punk rock." I told him. He giggled. "Keep telling yourself that." He told me.

"Its true!" I exclaimed. "Sure" he said. I rolled my eyes. "You're just jealous that you're not as punk rock as me" I said. "Okay" he giggled. "Babe I wanna meet you so bad" he said. "I wanna meet you too like you have no idea" I answered.

A text thing appeared at the top. Luke.

I read it since I could see the full thing. "Michael, I miss you so much. I'm sorry." It said. I sighed. "Are you okay?" Ash asked. "Yeah" I answered. "what happened?" He asked. "Nothing." I said, smiling. "I'm here if you need to talk." He said. I smiled. "Thanks." I answered. "Any time" he replied.


I had just gotten to the venue and I almost squeaked. Calum was with me. "I'm so excited" he said. "Me too." I smiled.

"And the lines not even that long!" He exclaimed. I nodded. We walked up and stood in the line, people around us talking about random things. Calum started talking about turtles or something. I smiled and tried to pay attention. It was hard in all the chaos and people and noise.

We were to the front, where they scan the tickets. They scanned mine and Calums and let us through. I was so excited. We were standing by our seats, and I heard someone calling my name. Suddenly, I felt arms rightly around me.

"The fuck?" I demanded. I turned and saw him. Ashton. "Hi babe" he whispered. "ASHTON!" i yelled, wrapping my arms tightly around him. "Hi Michael" he said, kissing me gently.

" this is Calum, my best friend.", I introduced him. Calum smiled and waved. "This is Ashton" I smiled. "Your boyfriend." Calum smiled back. I nodded. "Hi Ashton. Michaels absolutely whipped." He said. I blushed and smacked his arm.

"Aww Michael" Ashton cooed. I blushed more. "Its punk rock" I said. He giggled and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you." He told me. "I love you too" I answered. He smiled and kissed me again.

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