Chapter 20

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"Oppa~.. Oppa, wake up.." Sohyun sat beside Jin on his bed trying to wake him up to get ready for work.
Jin slowly open his eyes and groan as he turn his head away from her while he laid on his stomach.
"Oppa.." She frown then got up.
She opened the door and carried in his luggage.
"Yoomi unnie.. she came by yesterday.. and returned your stuff.." Sohyun said sadly then left closing the door behind

Jin's eyes shot wide open. He quickly sat up and stared at the luggage.
"Did something happened? Does she know?" He thought

He thought hard to himself trying to remember that night at the hotel, but all that comes to mind was when he kissed a girl in the restroom. He touched his lips and a blurry, but somewhat clear, flashed in his head.

He fell backwards onto his back and rest an arm over his eyes as he slowly falls back to sleep.

-At the Restaurant-

Yoomi patted her floured apron before walking out to have lunch.
While she was passing by, she overheard something that caught her attention.

"Jin oppa hasn't came?" Mi Cha said desperately and frowned
"He must've taken a day off" A waiter said

Yoomi bit her bottom lip, slightly, and continued walking.

Once she grab her tray and sat down, Sungyeol took the empty seat beside her.

Instead of eating he looks at her with sad, worried eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked

She glance at him. "Uh.." She paused and look at his food then to his face. "Wae? Why are you looking at me? Eat your food" She chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood

Just then, Mi Cha and Woohyun sat down across from them.
"Wha~ the food today looks so good" Mi Cha exclaimed
"Then stop talking and eat it" Sungyeol said, jokingly
"Aye! Yah" Mi Cha pouted and scowl at him

Woohyun noticed Yoomi's tray has a small portion of plain rice and meat. "Is that all you're going to eat?" He asked
"I'm not that hungry" Yoomi said
"You need your energy, so eat up" Woohyun tried placing his bowl of soup onto her tray, but she stopped it with her hand causing a little spill.
"Aniya.. I'm not that hungry" She said sheepishly

Meanwhile, a customer came wandering in to the restaurant.
"Oh, I'm sorry, miss. We're closed for lunch break" A waiter came running up to the customer
"Oh, sorry.. I just wanted to deliver something. Ah" She squirmed around looking for someone. When she spot where she was located, she approached.

"Miss Shin Yoomi?" The lady stood at her table
"Oh, annyeonghaseyo" Yoomi immediately got up and greeted her when she realized it was her customer that ordered a cake for her wedding.
"Annyeong" The lady smiled. "I'm sorry for interrupting your lunch, I just wanted to let everyone know that you are all invited to my wedding next Friday" She announced joyfully while passing out invitations
Everyone cheerfully clapped with excitement.

Mi Ch began to sulk beyond hearing the word "wedding". She quickly ate and got up to leave.

"Thank you. I'm Nam Woohyun, the manager" He went around the table to stand beside Yoomi and shook hands with the lady.
"Oh, it's nice to meet you" The lady smiled
"Oh?.. Is this gentleman your boyfriend?" She said quietly to Yoomi. Woohyun and Sungyeol all had their eyes and ears on her.
Abruptly, Yoomi uttered loudly. "Anyia!"
Yoomi froze and glance around the room to see people staring at her.
"I'm so sorry.. Congratulations, I'll definitely attend your wedding, thank you" Yoomi said a bit flustered
The lady smiled. "Ah, here is an invitation for Chef Jin. I noticed he's not here today... Could you pass this on to him for me?" She handed Yoomi the envelope
Woohyun stare down at Yoomi with observing eyes.
"Yae.. Of course" Yoomi forced a bright smile


When work ended Yoomi decided to stop by at Jin's house to deliver the invitation. She stood outside the door debating to ring the doorbell.
She bite down her bottom lip, then turned away to leave taking the envelope with her.


The next day, Saturday, Mi Cha came over to Jin's house ready for their date --that was planned by her parents.

"I'll go get you something to drink" Jin said, purposely leaving his room door open

Mi Cha got up from his bed and wander around when she saw a cute gift bag hidden inside his desk cabinet.

She gasp, peering at the cute pair of flats. She quickly placed it on the floor and slipped her foot in.
"A bit big.." She pouted

"Yah, that's not yours!" Sohyun came marching in with arms crossed
Mi Cha stood up straight as she stared at Sohyun. "Then, are they yours?" She snap back
"Well, no" Sohyun said
"If it's not yours, then who?"

"What's going on?" Jin came back with two drinks in his hand
Mi Cha quickly make her ways over to Jin's side. "I'm ready for our date"
"Uh, yae.." Jin got dragged out of the room

When they were out of sight, Sohyun irritatedly mocked Mi Cha.

Just when they walked out the door, Yoomi came up the steps.
Staring in shock, Mi Cha broke in. "What are you doing here?" Mi Cha asked
"Uhm.. I.." Yoomi's focussed falls over at Mi Cha's feet when she remember the same cute flats that Jin had lend her to wear when her heels broke. ".. I was asked to deliver this invitation" She quickly hand Jin the envelope, then walk away with quick steps.
Jin urged to call her back, but remembered Mi Cha was there.

Mi Cha felt a tug of Jin wanting to go after her made her sad.
"I want to go home.." She said

[ To Be Continued.. ]

Author's note: hey guys! ^^ i apologize for the anger and displeased from the last chapter >< i didn't mean to create this mood >~<

But i am thankful for the support ^^ thank youu

Chapter 21 coming soon~

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