Chapter 5

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"Wha~ it's so pretty!" Sohyun claps her hands together as she beamed at the piece of cake placed in front of her. "Mm! It even tastes better than it looks! Ahe~"

"Here" Yoomi set the gift bag on the table and sat down across from her

"Hm? What's this..?" Sohyun curiously placed her spoon down and peaked inside

"This was given by your brother" Yoomi said

"Oppa?" Sohyun took the shoes out from the bag and gasped. "Unnie--" She got cut

"Please return these" Yoomi said

"What?" Sohyun gaped

"Jin oppa.. --a-ani, your brother was suppose to give them to his girlfriend.." Yoomi tried to explain

"G-g-girlfriend?!" Sohyun exclaimed with widen eyes

Yoomi nodded. "Yae.. so please give these back to him" She smiled kindly. "Ah.. It's almost time for you to go back to class" She checked her wristwatch

Sohyun frowned with pouty lips and looked away with disappointed eyes.

"Aye.. Gomwao, for trying to set me up.. I'll get you something before you go, okay?" Yoomi smiled and patted her on the shoulder before walking away

"Girlfriend? Hah.. Oppa, you are so dead" Sohyun muttered through gritted teeth to herself as a little evil smile crosses her lip

After receiving a bag full of cakes and sweets, Sohyun return back to school.

A moment later, Jin came back from lunch break.

"Tired?" Jin came into Yoomi's kitchen when he saw her sighing.

"Uh, aniyo.." She said

"Really?" He said, staring at her face knowing that she was lying. "Okay" He said and walked away

Yoomi paused and watches as he leave. "What's up with him..?"

Jin came back and placed a glass of milk down on the counter

"Waeyo?" Yoomi said

"Drink it" He smiled

Yoomi hesitantly picked up the glass and drank it

".. Kamsahamnida" She sheepishly smiled

"Oh! You have some--" Jin reached out when he notice some milk left on her lip

"What are you guys doing?" Woohyun came in as Jin quickly pulled away like nothing happened

"Did I interrupt something?" Woohyun confusedly asked, looking from Jin to Yoomi

"Aniyo" Jin answered

"Oh, Yoomi-ah.." Woohyun tapped his lip indicating she has something there

"Eh?" Yoomi wiped a corner of her lip

"Aniya.. over here" Woohyun came closer and touched her lips

"I'm.. going back to work" Jin couldn't bare to watch as he walks away

~Jin's POV~

"I'm home!~" Jin closed the door behind him

"YAH!!" Sohyun came out from nowhere with a pillow in her hand

"What are you doing?!" Jin uttered, dodging from getting hit

"You're a horrible brother!" She yelled

"What? Yah! What did I do?" Jin caught the pillow in his hands before it hits him

"Who is she!?" She glared at him

"Who?" He raised an eyebrow

"Your girlfriend. Who is she?" She said in a stern voice

"What are you talking about?" Jin said a bit annoyed

Sohyun yanked the pillow out of his hands. "Ayesh. The girlfriend you were going to give the cute shoes to.." She pouted her lips, but still glaring at him

"Girlfriend? .. Ah~ Yoomi told you.." Jin gaped, finally understanding the situation

"Uh. Explain." Sohyun stared at him

"I bought those shoes awhile back, thinking if the right girl who fits them.. maybe will be my girlfriend" He shrugged

".. prin..cess?" She asked

"Mm, you can say that" Jin said

"Yah, I'm the princess" Sohyun complained and pouted

"Aniya~ you're my pet dog" Jin teased

"What did you say?" Sohyun stared at him with bright eyes

"You should start eating less.." Jin jokingly scanned her up and down. ".. before you become my pet pig" Jin chuckled as he casually head upstairs

"Y-you.. Oppa! You're so mean!" Sohyun shouted and stamped her feet as she turns away hugging the pillow tightly against her chest.

After taking a warm, relaxing shower, Jin went back to his room.

"Oh?" Jin walked over when he notice a familiar gift bag placed on his desk with a note beside it.

❥ Be nice to unnie or I'll eat you up >ω< - Princess Sohyun ♛

"Piggy.." Jin scoffed and shook his head as he placed the note down. He reached into the bag and sat down at his chair, peering at the shoes in his hands.

".. 'the right girl who fits them'.." Jin thought back what he had said earlier

『 "They fits you" He looked up and smiled at her. 』

Jin remembered the moment when he helped Yoomi putting on the cute flats.

".. 'will be my girlfriend'.." Jin muttered the rest of what he had said earlier

"Who did you thought my girlfriend was..?" Jin asked himself, pretending he was talking to Yoomi

[ To be Continue.. ]

Author's note: hey guys! :) I tried my best to find time and to upload for you guys >< i'm sorry this was a short chapter, i'll do my best to write a longer one next time ^^

I hope this chapter will make it up for you guys ^^

Chapter 6 will be coming soon~

Thank you ^ω^

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