Can things be fixed?

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Recap: Lucas goes to answer the door and you are just sitting in the living room trying to finally get some peace till you hear a familiar voice...

Lucas:Dario what are you doing here?

Dario:look Lucas I know Yn doesn't really fuck with you like that but I want to know if you talked to her or not because I fucked up and I miss her I really do that's my baby and she's having my baby I need to see her...

Lucas:Dario you put your hands on her and cheated on her with some hoe I don't think she would want you back.

Just as Lucas said that Dario looked up at him with a confusing look like how did Lucas know look

Dario:she's here isn't she? Tell her to come here please Lucas I need to fix what I've done I'll drop the how(he yells) if that means you'll take me back!

Yn:Do you mean it?(you say as you walk around the hallway) Dario do you really mean it?

Dario:Yes baby girl I do I fuckin mean I'll take anger management classes if that mean I can have you two back in my arms.

You look at Lucas and think for a second and then you run into Dario's arms and you feel tears drop down into your head

Yn:are you crying baby?

Dario:no I just got something in my eye

Lucas:I'm glad talk fixed things

Dario gets your bags and takes them to the car and wait for you in the car then you  turn around to hug Lucas and thank him but he pushes you away..

Yn:really what are you getting angry for?

Lucas:because who's to say he was only saying that shit just to get you back and hit you some more but no you just wanna believe everything he says like a stupid ass you're 8 months pregnant and if he hit you what d you think will happen to that baby?

Yn:stop! You're only say that because we kissed and you told me how you feel who's to say he will change you've got this all wrong stop thinking for yourself I want my baby to be able to have a family with me and his or her dad okay Lucas maybe I should have just went to someone else's house and not here,

Lucas:whatever just go with him I shouldn't have never opened the door for you but like I said before glad you two fixed things..

Yn:Yea I am too

You leave and get in the car some tears start to fall from your eyes and Dario puts his hand on your leg and rubes it to kinda comfort you as you guys take the drive back you can't help but think of what Lucas said "glad you guys fixed thing"

Hey guys I know this is short but I'm back😝 I'm really sorry for the long wait but I need your help  follow me on Instagram @_httpmasharah and Dm me ideas for a new one and also Dm me  if you want me to write a personal story for you I'll update something new later today or tomorrow until then bye😉❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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