Meeting Jackson

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One day Melody and the kings went to visit their kingdom. As they passed by the market, Melody saw a young boy around her age, he had brown hair and eyes and had also pale skin, he was really handsome. He was playing with some younger kids and Melody wanted to go with them, but she knew her parents would't allow it. So she told them to return to the castle as she would walk through the kingdom. The kings, to the sight of her interest for the kingdom, allowed her to stay.
She waited until her parents where far away and then ran to where she saw the children playing, and there she found them. She introduced herself as Melody Snow and she avoided telling them she was a princess, and the young boy who she had seen before said his name was Jackson Overland, then the rest of the kids introduced themselves. They spent all day playing and having fun. Melody felt free for the first time. Then the children went home leaving Melody and Jackson alone. He took her to the forest which was covered in a beautiful white color by the snow. In the middle of the forest was a frozen lake, and on the side was a fallen log. They sat on it and talked for a while. As they spent time together Melody and Jackson were soon falling for each other. When it got dark Jackson offered to take Melody to her house but she refused because she didn't want him to know that she was a princess. They said goodbye and promised to meet the next day and they went to their homes.

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